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2012-10-30 酷站科技
We have to admit the fact that : the design is currently our domestic production sites are the most widely, the most significant problem, especially the enterprise website! Here, we say " design " not only refers to the unusual we said three-dimensional planning, design, and manufacturing techniques, content control reasons, of course, here we talk about the former.

1、再用色层面(The use of color terms)

现阶段国内公司网站设计中最突显的难题便是用色!举个最朴素的事例,我们在每日任务闲暇经常访问一些全球公司的网站,另外也仔细留意在其中的设计方案精粹(这但是发展设计方案水平的一个关键方式 和近道!),想对你说的是,就算內容详细一样的2个网址,一个是国内网址,一个是外国网站,我们一眼就可以看得出其区别(自然并不是在文本上)!我们迫不得已承认外国网站的结构设计方案及其色彩搭配的水平!外国网站很独特色彩搭配的度,决不会随意用色,而总体颜色的和睦性与风格的一致性通常让人惊讶,比较之下,国内网站在设计方案中并不留意这种层面的表述,网页页面颜色总数过多、互相有关的二种颜色放到一起、配搭不和谐,缺乏对立面的风格,但因为是企业官网,通常受“行政部门”干预的成份较多,而有关设计师,通常遭受自己属下和公司老板(或详尽出任人)的双向夹攻,特别是在在技术专业企业更存有这类景色,不仅有好的设计方案,又要切合公司出任人的口感,实践活动每日任务中也有毫无疑问的难度系数。
At present the domestic enterprise web design is the most prominent problem is the use of color! Cite a simple example, we are working to browse through a number of enterprises at home and abroad to the site, but also careful in the essence of the design ( this is the progress of design degree is an important method and shortcut! ) , I want to say is, even if the content is complete the same two sites, is a domestic site, is a foreign website, we could see at a glance that the difference ( certainly not in the text )! We have to admit that the foreign website structure design and use of color degree! Foreign website is very elegant color, not casually use of color, and the overall color harmony and style consistency often surprising, in contrast, the domestic site in the design does not pay attention to these aspects of the expression, webpage color over-population, unrelated to the two colors together, match harmonious, lack of opposite style, but because the enterprise web sites, often by " administrative " interference of more components, and the designers, often by my subordinates and company manager ( or detailed human ) double ends, especially in the presence of the scene more Professional Company, has a good design, but also fit the enterprise as a person taste, practice task also have certain difficulty.

2、在照片处理层面(In the picture resolution)

Ought to say, the Professional Company has certain strength, initiative you in the station is best considered Professional Company or professional. In the practice of enterprise manufacturing task often come up in my web site, wherein the image resolution techniques need to further study, the important issue is:

2.1 处理方式朴素、缺乏设计创意:图象四四方方,基本上看不出来怎样历经处理;不独特照片与文本的相辅相成配搭;照片处理太暗,照片上文本隐隐约约不清;照片独立,与四周內容缺乏对立面;用色古怪,照片颜色随意,有的仅仅随意找些照片再历经高宽比和总宽的形变,照片处理缺乏处理深层和粒度;情况与发展前景文本缺乏色度对比,繁杂的背景图像掩盖了发展前景文本的內容,给人的感觉是网址乱成一片……不断涌现这种难题的问题是设计师心绪的难题,她们并沒有意识到网页页面中的照片的实践活动功效,她们通常认为照片仅仅为了更好地点缀,实际上,网页页面中照片的真实实际意义取决于深层次网址的逻辑思维,反映网址的对立面品牌形象,加重访问者对网址品牌形象的记忆力,并使她们更急速操纵网址的內容。因此,网页图片毫无疑问要专而精,无需要的、与公司或网址品牌形象不符合的照片毫无疑问要除掉!
2.1 means to solve simple, lack of design thinking: the image is square, on the basis of see how after solving; not elegant pictures and texts of complementary collocation; picture resolved too dark, text-on-picture unclear; isolated from surrounding content, lack of opposite color; strange sights, the picture color casually, some just find some pictures through the height and width of the deformation, the picture to address the lack of resolve depth and fineness; background and Prospect of lack of brightness control words, complex background image to hide the vision of text content, give a person feel is the site in a piece ... ... Emergence of these problems is the crux of the problem the designer thoughts, they do not realize that the picture in the webpage prac tice role, they often think the picture just to decorate, in fact, webpage picture is true meaning in-depth site thinking, reaction site opposite image, deepen the visitors to the site image memory, and the they are more rapid control of web content. Thus, the picture will be less, unnecessary, and the site of inconsistent image picture must be removed!

2.2 储存方式 、储存样式有什么问题,导致图象颜色失帧、字节数过大:访问国内企业官网,经常会见到这种情况:照片一部分颜色不断涌现烧焦的感觉,原来理应是纯色的中间不断涌现杂点,说到底是图片存储的难题,给人一种很不技术专业的感觉,本网站前边的內容会通告您网页图片的各种各样储存方式 和储存方法,这儿不详说,提倡您最好是请专业人员为您的网址仔细反省一下,使您的网址给人一种技术专业的印像。
2.2 storage method, storage style problem, cause image color distortion, byte: browse large domestic enterprises website, often see these circumstances: the picture portion of the color have burnt think, originally should be monochromatic Central emerging variegated, said that is actually a picture memory problems, give a person a kind of very not professional think the station, we will inform you of the picture on a variety of storage method and storage techniques, not go into detail here, you had better ask initiative professionals for your web site carefully review, make your site to a professional impression.

2.3 照片过多:有关中小型企业网址来讲,通常是主页要突显设计方案,內容非常少,有的仅仅代表性的图象,难题就涌现如今主页上:我创造发明许多企业官网的主页应用的很多的照片,有的乃至整页全是图片切割而成,真难为了更好地网页页面设计师!倘若是互联网媒体设计方案或者局域网络,我们无法挑剔,但倘若是局域网,在光纤入户沒有遍布之前提倡最好是简洁一些,照片少些,设计创意多一些,不然颜色淡些,总体目标只不过要是一个:减慢网页页面网络速度,别让访问者望穿秋水!
2.3: too many images about the small and medium-sized enterprise website, is often home to outstanding design, very little content, some just symbolic image, is now home in on : I found a lot of enterprise website home page using lots of pictures, and even the entire page is a picture cut, easy to webpage designer! If is the traditional media design or LAN, we are impeccable, but if it is a wide area network, broadband access without throughout the previous initiatives best contracted some less, picture, design thinking more, otherwise the color of light, the aim for as long as a webpage: slow download speed, don't let visitors expect to see someone who never comes!

3、在动漫应用层面(In animation application)

Webpage design in the use of animation we be without rebuke, this also shows the network interactive one aspect, but the problem is in the webpage random in a number of unrelated animation, which is the active page, attractive, here to give you a heads up: messy animation can disrupt visitors browse view, affect browsers' mood, and eventually lead to! Or that sentence: should not put do not put, check my website, ask yourself, these pictures can certainly be? Suggest you in the animation to find the best professionals to help you design conforms to my enterprise, website style animation, for your website plus Tim light color, and not casually piled together, the eye.

4、文本的应用(The use of language)

I don't know whether to see the who? Task I often find some enterprise web page text font is not optimized, Bold Fonts is easily identified, but overall planning is the large font trouble, true can not see the beauty of webpage, and when I asked designers do not use style form causes, responses are often: enterprise requests to do so, their favorite characters! -- have nothing to say.

Much for your website users in mind, rather than your own.

5、导航栏的设计方案(Navigation design)

基本上,网址都了解来到导航栏的必要性,但在导航栏的设计方案层面却非常少有自己特点的导航栏,这一点,我们访问国外的网站,通常给我们许多有利的提示。将导航栏的设计方案融进所有网站设计中,而不是将她们独立,最好是能将公司的品牌形象(如标识等)报名参加导航栏的设计方案,进而进一步加重访问者对企业品牌形象的了解。此外要留意的一点是:导航栏要有效、麻烦地去一切中间,又能麻烦地回到, 并留意不必将內容藏的过深,使访问者频繁点一下才抵达总体目标的导航栏设定是不成功的。
Based on the site, are familiar with the navigation of the importance, but in the navigation design seldom have I characteristics of navigation, to this point, we visit foreign websites, often give us lots of useful reminder. The navigation design into a whole website design, instead of being isolated, can be the best corporate image ( such as mark ) to navigation design, so as to further deepen the understanding of corporate image viewer. Another point to note is that: navigation must be reasonable, not to go anywhere, and can not return, and be careful not to hide the content too deep, so that visitors often hits before reaching the target navigation set failure.

6、对立面的难题(The problem of opposites)

Affordable and opposing the overall color very easily in the browsing in the brain resulting in a continuation of the memory, but also on a site the most basic request, is the site through the design response corporate image as an important way, therefore, must be paid attention to in front of the content, I will introduce how to maintenance of enterprise website the style of antagonism, welcome to browse!

7、速率的难题(The problem of speed)

有些人说:网页页面网络速度是一个优质网址的第一因素。这不算过,我们分析一下:某些而言,大家访问网址是为了更好地获得一些需要的信息内容,在现阶段网速相当缓慢的标准下,更理应为勤俭节约走访调查者的岁月精心策划。网页页面网络速度是网址吸引走访调查者的问题要素,实践活动每日任务中,我的领悟是:倘若7—10秒还不可以开启一个网页页面,一些人便会沒有耐烦。倘若不可以让每一个网页页面都保持迅速的网络速度,最少理应保证首页速率尽能够 快。而我们一部分公司网站的设计方案从速率下来看是不成功的,耐烦的希望半技能见到最终划着红叉叉的照片——图片地址下载失败,只有更新,这又要等一段岁月。测试一下自己的网址网络速度,尤其是倘若您的首页照片对比多得话,自然留意清除自己电脑上中电脑浏览器的缓存文件。此外,危害网站速度的要素有很多,在其中除开方法层面,便是行为主体照片,因此在这里再度注重一下毫无疑问要确保照片应用的度!
Some people say: page download speed is a good site for the first factor. This is not over, we analyse: individual, people browsing the web to obtain some necessary information, in the present network speed very slow condition, more should be to save visitors time carefully design. Page download speed is the key factor to keep visitors to web sites, practice task, my understanding is: if 7 - 10 seconds can not open a webpage, others would have no patience. If you can not let each page sustain faster download speeds, should at least ensure home speed as soon as possible. While we part of enterprises site design from the speed down to see is failure, patiently wait time to see the last row of red fork pictures -- the image link to download fail, only the refresh, and wait for a period of time. Test my website download speed, especially if your web site home page picture control many things, of course pay attention to eliminate my computer browser cache. In addition, there are many factors influencing the website speed, which in addition to the skill, is the main picture, so once again must guarantee the use of picture!
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