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2013-12-11 酷站科技
网址参加百度搜索引擎排行是每一个SEOer都要想做到的总体目标,殊不知说起来简易的难题,做起來实际上并沒有想像中的那麼非常容易。在网址优化的全部全过程中导致搜索引擎排名差别的难题有很多,做为杰出的SEOer务必要具体分析而且寻找处理的方式 。那小编今日要共享的网址优化经验分享则是有关怎样合理处理搜索引擎排名难题。
The website in search engine ranking is every SEOer wants to achieve, but that simple question, it is not so easy to imagine. There are many cause website ranking the gap in the whole process of Web site optimization problem, as a senior SEOer must carefully analyze and find a solution. Then the author today to site optimization wise remark of an experienced person to share is about how to effectively solve the problem of the website ranking.

SEO website optimization process, website ranking difference from three aspects to locate the site in question. A website ranking cannot be promoted rapidly; the two is how to quickly restore ranking web site is down right after; three is the site in a ranking cycle (about 3 months) is still no rankings.

In the face of these problems we should be how to solve?

Firstly, according to the difference between new and old site re positioning for the website. For new sites to define please obtain weight stage, while the old site is to look at the brand effect, users click rate and itself.

Then, through the basic positioning for the website construction of the keywords ranking for stage division.

The first stage is the keyword optimization stage. This stage is the keyword ranking large span period, based on scoring stage to obtain good weight under the premise will keywords ranking forward 20 ranking. The stage is also the most prone to have included rankings, marketing type website construction ranking in the middle part of the effective ranking suspended in midair, site no flow periods, that this time we have to do is to the site to create value added content, content matching degree to be high, included in the relevant content website industry.

The second stage as the foundation stage score keywords. At this stage we must aim at the line after involvement in the ranking of the new optimization basic operation, for the website of the title, keyword, description, code, path once they don't change at will, and to pay particular attention to plate content cannot website column page content, no repeated phenomenon this seriously affect the site assessment period time, at the same time, the website can get good weight is directly related to site rankings behind participation ability.

The third stage is the keyword ranking stage. This stage is the advanced stage, through the optimization stage, site keywords ranking usually have relatively good position. Need to do now is for floating rankings for trimming the maintenance, transformation of observation sites of the floating rate of strength, adjusted according to the specific situations of the website, but only to determine is the title of the website must not arbitrarily change.

一般在沒有大的升级状况下,根据三个环节的实际操作和平稳,百度关键词多是平稳在前20位。这也是网址迅速精准定位完成排行的优点,对于客户的要求紧紧围绕网址长尾关键词类关键字开展內容造就,是提高网站访问量的最好是方式,另外也是提高关键字排名、平稳关键字排名的方式 之一。
In general, no big update case, through the three stages of the operation and stability, site keywords is more stable in the first 20. The advantage of Ranking rapid positioning it is also the site, for the needs of users around the site long tail keywords for content creation, is the best way to improve site traffic, but also to enhance the stability of one of the keywords ranking, keyword ranking method.
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