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2013-11-21 酷站科技
最先,能够 告知想学网站建设的盆友。学习培训制作网页和学习培训其他专业知识一样,是要有电脑基础知识的。在基本以上学习培训营销推广型网站建设会较为轻轻松松和便捷的。次之,要清晰学习培训它是用于干什么。
First of all, can tell to learn website construction friend. Learn to build websites and learning other knowledge, is to have the computer foundation. Based on the study marketing type website construction is easy and fast. Secondly, to know what is it used for learning.

It is recommended that you should have conditions: the skilled computer operation, the use of computer is best in a year of above, typing, know basic computer knowledge, but not too stupid can, ha ha. Of course, these are not to be.

第一阶段:刚开始时最好学些网页页面制作软件和基本网页脚本英语的语法,如:Dreamweaver软件,HTML英语的语法(百度一下:HTML新手入门),CSS英语的语法(百度一下:CSS新手入门),那样能够 使您更掌握网页设计与经营的基本原理。最好拿本实例教程来学习,融合实例教程边学习培训边制做,这数最多花你一周時间,假如有时间再学些javascript脚本制作英语的语法(百度一下:javascript新手入门)。
The first stage: at the beginning it is best to learn some webpage editing software and basic webpage script syntax, such as: Dreamweaver software, HTML syntax (Baidu search: HTML entry), CSS syntax (Baidu search: CSS entry), the principle that can make you know more about webpage making and operation. It is best to take this tutorial to learn, learn while making with the tutorial, this most take you a week, if there is time to learn the JavaScript script syntax (Baidu search: Javascript entry).

第二阶段:会用网页设计手机软件和基本英语的语法后,已会能够 制做一个比较完整的网址了。自然为了更好地让网址做得更好看,作用更强劲,你也就必须学一些动态性计算机语言,常见的有ASP,PHP和ASP.NET,强烈推荐后二种,应是ASP过了一段时间会淘汰,后二种程序流程差别自身网上搜索吧,自己更趋向于学习培训.NET,面向对象编程,作用太强了,微软公司的物品便是强大。
The second stage: making software and basic grammar with webpage, already can make a more complete web sites. Of course, in order to make the site more beautiful, more powerful, you need to learn some dynamic programming language, commonly used with ASP, PHP and ASP.NET, after the recommendation of two, should be ASP after a period of time will be eliminated, after two procedures to differentiate their Internet search, I prefer to learn.NET function, object oriented, brilliant, Microsoft is tough.

假如你沒有活力去学这种繁杂动态性计算机语言,你彻底能够 运用现有的网址智能管理系统(具体也叫建站软件,例如PageAdmin系统软件、shopex系统软件、discuz系统软件等都较为出色),这也是现阶段较为时兴的方式 ,省时、省劲。
If you don't have the energy to learn these complex dynamic programming language, you can use the web site management system (also called off the actual site software, such as PageAdmin system, shopex system, discuz system is good), it is also popular, when the province, labor.

第三阶段:融合你自己已把握地专业知识来开发网站,能够 开发设计出他人让你界定的总体目标网址。来到这个时候,你也就变成真实的网址开发人员了。
The third stage: combined with your own has mastered more knowledge to develop the site, we can develop the others to give you the defined target site. At this time, you will become a real web developers.

How to make a webpage, not to say that one or two articles can say clearly. This is the main program for making webpage and some shortcuts, hope to be able to want to learn the webpage making friends as a reference.

1 、网页页面搞好了肯定是要发布网上的,因此务必先申请办理一个室内空间;完全免费的室内空间并不是很平稳,容积又小,也不太好申请办理,提议到服务器公司先弄一个个人空间,大约有一个20M 之上的就可以了,自然还可以在自身电脑安裝IIS来仿真模拟网络服务器运作(这儿不详尽讲过,有兴趣爱好的盆友百度一下有关专业知识,这个是非常容易的)
1, webpage well must be published on the Internet, so must apply for a space; free space is not very stable, the capacity is small, not a good application, suggestions to the Server Co to buy a personal space, probably more than a 20M can, of course, also be to install IIS on your computer to simulate the server running (here is not detailed, have the interest friend Baidu search related knowledge, this is the very easy)

2 、照片处理app推荐firework或photoshop,HTML编写app推荐Dreamweaver,自然假如你能HTML英语的语法,那设圈套事本立即编写会更高效率。
Image processing software is recommended for firework or Photoshop, HTML editing software like Dreamweaver, of course, if you will HTML grammar, the matter of the direct editing more efficient.

Spend a little time, find a more user-friendly tutorial look is very necessary. Each webpage, but is the text, table, graph, animation and background music is and several major elements, make clear how these elements put in, you even know how to make a webpage.

At the beginning it is recommended to download a relatively simple webpage, in making software will it open, and then carefully observe the webpage form others, imitate it to fill a variety of elements, together with the teaching practice in the city, progress will be much quicker, remember also some prison.

In fact do webpage is not difficult, but to make a distinctive webpage, that was not a short duration of time of power.

Experience with a little personal, wrong please correct me.

Web design eight steps

Because what you see is tool more and more income type, use more convenient, so the production of webpage has become an easy task, unlike previous to writing a line of source code. After a brief general beginners learning to learn to make a webpage, so they think webpage making is very simple, and hurried to make your own website, but do it with others, only to find their own site is very rough, is this why? As the saying goes: "eat hot tofu". Building a website is like building a building, it is project of a system, have their own work process specific, you just follow the steps to follow the prescribed order, step by step, to design a good website.

To determine the theme of the site

Site theme is the main content of your website should contain, a site must have a clear theme. Especially for personal web site, you may not like the website that content is big and complete, cover and contain everything. You do not have this ability, also do not have this energy, so we must find a most interested in their own content, do deep, be thorough, do their own characteristics, so as to give the user the impression. The theme of the website does not rule, as long as you are interested in, anything can be, but the theme to bright, content in your subject area do big and complete, refined and deep.

Collect materials

确立了网址的主题风格之后,你就需要紧紧围绕主题风格刚开始收集原材料了。俗话说得好:“俗话说:巧妇难为无米之炊”。要想让自身的网址平凡而不平庸,可以吸引客户,你就需要尽可能收集原材料,收集得原材料越多,之后制作网页就越非常容易。原材料既能够 从书籍、报刊、光碟、多媒体系统上获得,还可以从互联网技术上收集,随后把收集的原材料取其精华,去其糟粕,做为自身设计网页的素材图片。
After establishing the theme of the site, you must revolve the subject began to collect materials. As the saying goes: "one can't make bricks without straw". Want to let oneself website true to life, can attract the user, you should try to collect materials, collected more material, after the production site more easily. Materials can not only from books, newspaper, CD, multi-media and, also can be collected from the Internet, and then put the collected material discard the dross and select the essential, discard the false and retain the true, as to produce their own webpage material.

Planning website

一个网站设计得取得成功是否,非常大水平上决策于设计师的整体规划水准,规划网站如同设 计师设计方案大厦一样,施工图设计好啦,才可以完工一座好看的房子。网站的建设包括的內容许多,如网址的构造、频道的设定、网址的设计风格、色彩搭配、版块合理布局、图片文字的应用等,你仅有在设计网页以前把这种层面都考虑到来到,才可以在制做时游刃有余,成竹在胸。也仅有这般制做出去的网页页面才可以有个性、有特点,具备诱惑力。怎样规划网站的每一项主要内容,大家在下面会出现详解。
A website design success or not, the planning level is determined largely by designers, planning website like designer design building, drawing design good, to build a beautiful building. Site planning includes many contents, such as the structure, the web site settings, the style of the website, color, layout, text, images and other use of, only you these aspects into account in making webpage before, in order to making adept, chest Youcheng bamboo. Only in this way made webpage can have a personality, unique, attractive. How to plan for each of the specific content of the site, we will be presented in detail in the following.

Select tools appropriate

虽然挑选哪些的专用工具并不会危害你制作网页的优劣,可是一款功能齐全、应用简易的手机软件通常能够 具有事倍功半的实际效果。网页设计涉及到的专用工具比较多,最先便是网页设计专用工具了,现阶段大部分网友采用的全是眼见为实的建站程序手机软件(前边提及的网址智能管理系统)。此外,也有编辑图片专用工具,如firework 、Photoshop 等;制作动画专用工具,如Flash等;在网上有很多这些方面的软件免费下载,你能依据必须熟练掌握。
Although the choice of what kind of tools does not affect your webpage design is good or bad, but a powerful, easy to use software can often play a multiplier effect. Webpage making more relates to tool, first is the webpage making tool, the majority of users to select is the software build system of income (website management system mentioned above). In addition, there are image editing tools, such as firework, Photoshop etc.; animation tools, such as Flash; there are many aspects of this software to download, you can flexibly according to the need of.

Clear website theme and content

1, make sure you make webpage theme, is you built this website content is what

2, determine the object of reading your webpage, the webpage that you are prepared to give those who see;

3、挑选设计网页的软件工具,例如PageAdmin系统软件、shopex系统软件、discuz系统软件这种,自然也有许多出色手机软件,大伙儿能够 在之后渐渐地触碰到。
Choose webpage making tool software, such as PageAdmin system, shopex system, discuz system, there are many excellent software, you can slowly after exposure to.

4、假如你做好了网页页面,就必须考虑到你的网页页面放进哪些地方发布,也就是平时大家说的发布室内空间,大家院校的客户数据中心早已申请办理好啦室内空间,大伙儿能够 立即应用(有公布室内空间的标示就是你拥有FTP 账户,这一必须申请办理),还可以按我前边说的把自己游戏电脑配置为网络服务器(需安裝IIS等手机软件,这一自身百度一下)
If you prepare a page, you need to consider your webpage in what is, we usually say: space, user network center of our school has applied for space, we can directly use (there are signs that you have a space FTP account number, the need to apply), also can press I said in front of his computer configuration for the server (need to install the IIS software, the own Baidu search)
六、设计网页(Webpage making)
原材料拥有,专用工具也选好啦,下边就必须依照整体规划一步步地把自己的念头变为实际了,这是一个繁杂而细腻的全过程,一定要依照先大后小、先简易后繁杂来开展制做。说白了先大后小,就是在设计网页时,先把大的总体设计好,随后再不断完善小的总体设计。说白了先简易后繁杂,便是先设计方案出简易的內容,随后再设计方案繁杂的內容,便于出現难题时好改动。在设计网页时要多熟练掌握网址智能管理系统后台管理作用,那样能够 进一步提高制做高效率。
Material, tool is selected, the need according to the plan step by step to put their ideas into reality, it is a complex and painstaking process, must according to the first after the small, first simple hind complex to make. The so-called first after the small, that is to say when the webpage that make, the structure design of good, and then gradually improve the structure design of small. The so-called first after simple and complex, is to design a simple content, and then the design of complex content, so that problems arise when good modification. In the production of webpage to be more flexible use of site background management system function, which can greatly improve production efficiency.

七、提交检测(Upload test)
网页设计结束,最终要公布到Web 网络服务器上,才可以让全球的盆友收看,如今提交的专用工具有很多,强烈推荐LeapFTP手机软件,你能很便捷地把网站更新到自己制作的网址储放网络服务器上。网址提交以检测结束就可以将你的网站地址告知朋友或顾客,让她们来访问。
Webpage finis hed, finally to be posted to the Web server, can make friends all over the world to watch, there are a lot of upload tool, recommended LeapFTP software, you can easily publish the web site to produce their own site on the server. The website upload to complete the test you can put your site to tell the friend or client, let them browse.

Webpage is done, but also continuous publicity, so that we can make more friends know it, improve the site visit rate and visibility. There are many ways to promote, such as search engine registration, exchange links with other sites, joined the advertising chain etc..

九、维护保养升级(Maintain and update)
The site should pay attention to regular maintenance update, keep the content fresh, don't put it there. The good, only continue to give it added new content, can attract visitors.
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