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2013-08-31 酷站科技
Have you met the website construction has been a good few days, still so small flow, a novice, good hard. Nobody taught never to ask, a blur, is there? Then you will go to Baidu, quite a lot about how new site article Baidu, but did not go to the refinement, let the novice webmaster to truly understand the early site what do, what is the avoidance of place. Xiao Zeng is a novice, early site through many tortuous paths, also have quite some experience. So, in order to enable the broad masses of careless root stationmaster detours, make the best of the station with the shortest time, today to share some links some preparations and their experience.

In fact, if as an ordinary webmaster, this issue should be a very good answer.

一、想好关键字(Think good keywords)

Select an appropriate keywords. The title is the soul of the website, marketing type website construction contents should be built around the title to expand. Station, must look for keywords for your website localization, new sites chosen exponential stability, and the competition is not fierce word. Check the index keywords Baidu Baidu promotion, mining available index to find. In addition, to analyze the strength of competitors, have a look whether to do home page and the number of Baidu keyword bidding, specifically available related site function to check the keywords competition level.

二、叙述吸引人(Describe an attractive)

Must not be piled keywords, the keywords selected must want to website describes the. Description of the site is for the user to read, so a good description of the site is of vital importance to the user experience. Description should comply with the content of the website, in order to SEO the master key is repeated 2 times. In addition, in order to make the description will be able to attract customers, to add some intriguing statement in the description, such as the Xiao Zeng station added "Guangxi home free for the record space, plug and play, no need to wait for the" slogan, also used prismatic, star and other special symbols to emphasize highlight, also remember the slogan put within before 72 characters, the website keyword can fill three main keywords, the same can not be piled, if you choose not to be empty. As soon as the title, description, and the key words fill can not easily change. Xiao Zeng station is because the original word inadvertently changed the title and description, and prolongs the time Baidu included.

三、网站域名要简洁(The domain name should be concise)

Around the site name domain name, spelled by the site name and. The domain name should be concise and easy to remember, to be able to give the client a deep impression. Buy a domain name, not easy to choose some overseas domain, perhaps one day will be blocked. Record the domain name, free Xiao Zeng chose the price line, customer service to the present no problems. Can go to Taobao look for agents buy domain name, price cheap and re gular safety.

四、室内空间要平稳(Stable space)

一个不太好的室内空间会造成 被降权惩罚或是K站,选室内空间是建网站的头等大事。这一点小曾颇有感受。当时为了更好地便宜和免备案空间去南宁市淘宝网买来个香港空间,一开始那叫一个爽,速率极快,但等过去了十几天的举报过后,室内空间速率愈来愈慢,还常常抛下锚,造成 我新网站百度搜索迟迟不百度收录,无可奈何只有换室内空间。第二个室内空间是说白了的中国免备的价钱也才二百不上但也经常会出现开启速度比较慢、无法打开等状况。直至换为如今的国外免备案空间网络服务器,买的价钱也类似,室内空间速度更快又平稳,并且售后服务非常好。因此,购买空间一定要挑选一些著名品牌室内空间商。这要提示新手站长,因为大家都想小成本创业,没钱买VPS但又想让网址临时性发展趋势,因此最好是采用中国的免备案空间。由于办理备案较为繁杂時间又长,办理备案期内网址必不可少关掉,危害网址一切正常发布。
Not a good space will lead to drop right or K stand, the space is the priority among priorities station. This is Xiao Zeng feeling. At the outset to cheap and free for the record to the Nanning Taobao bought a Hongkong space, at the beginning of what a cool, super fast, but after half a month after the period of complaints, space more and more slowly, but also often broke down, leading to my new sites Baidu has not included, but only for the space. The second space is the so-called domestic free preparation price is only less than two hundred but also often appear open speed slow, not open phenomenon. Until the change now overseas free registration server, buy the price or less the same, space speed and stability, and good customer service. Therefore, we must choose some well-known brands of space business to buy space. This should remind the novice webmaster, because everyone wants to low-cost business, can not afford to buy VPS but want a website temporary development, so the best choice for non domestic space. Because of the record is more complicated and long time, the record must be closed down during the website, website normal on-line.

六、模版尽可能稀缺(Template to rare)

最好是找一个独一无二的模版,自身不容易织梦仿站的能够 去淘宝网找一些选购总数较少的模版。小曾用的模版便是花了10块钱淘宝网买的,现阶段还没有发觉类同的。不必去只图完全免费的人气值高的模版,不要钱的用的人通常是数最多的。
It is best to find the one and only one template, not imitation station can go to Taobao find some people buy less template. Xiao Zeng used the template is spent 10 dollars bought on Taobao, also did not find the same current. Don't go for free high popularity of the template, with people not money is often the most.

七、规划好合理布局(Planning layout)

The name of the module for the directory name, home plus the hot tag to display random. Category URL should pay attention to the site must be short, but not to change, or it will cause a lot of dead catenary in search engine. If your site is not updated daily, add a random article module to update. Finally, the bottom of the station the links do not point to the home page, catalog should point to the corresponding, and names don't classified catalogue, otherwise there will be suspected of excessive optimization.

八、有效运用软件(Rational use of plug-in)

备份数据软件能够 避免你数据信息因异常现象而遗失。百度地图导航和百度地图的功效就很少讲,因为小编建网站用的WP这儿关键对于WP说一下。WP网址做SEO有四个必需软件。大伙儿可去问度娘。这儿说下allinonseo作用也忽略,关键讲一个比较严重的错误观念。用了该软件能够 发觉,文章内容的专业分类和文章内容名每章都是会携带网址题目,以至出現很多的关键字反复,那样的过多优化会造成 百度不收录文章内容,比较严重的还会继续K站。小编当时就因而而造成 高品质原创文章内容不百度收录,最终在教师的点拔下能踏入正道。解决方案便是把该软件设定里的各类Format横线后边都改成-加网站名就可以。除此之外,新网站刚发布提议应用WP-CopyRight防拷贝软件来避免原创文章内容失窃,尽管根据电脑浏览器依然能窃取,但大大增加了盗窃难度系数。还可应用Gzip压缩CSS文档来提升网址开启速率。WP特性便是强劲的软件作用,因此为了更好地考虑自身的建网站必须,可找寻各种功能强大的软件。但还记得软件最好是不必超过10个,要不然会危害网址网站打开速度。
Backup plugins can prevent you from missing data anomalies. Baidu and Google map map function is not to say, as the author website with WP here mainly for WP say. WP do SEO have four necessary plug-in. You can ask the mother. Here said the allinonseo effect also skip, focus on a serious mistake. The plug-in can be found, the classification and the name of each will be on site title, resulting in a large number of keywords to repeat, this will lead to excessive optimization baidu not included the article, will be a serious K station. The author would therefore lead to high quality original articles not included, in the teacher under the direction to go on the right way. Solution is t o put the plug-in settings in the Format to add a behind the site name. In addition, new online is recommended to use the WP-CopyRight copy protection plug to prevent the original article is stolen, although through the browser can still steal, but greatly increased the difficulty of theft. You can also use the Gzip compressed CSS files to increase the site open speed. WP features is a powerful plugin function, so in order to meet their need to build, can find all kinds of useful plug-ins. But remember the plugin should not exceed 10, otherwise will influence the website access speed.

九、搞好伪静态和robots(Do a good job of pseudo static and robots)

Xp室内空间的伪静态繁杂一点,动态性网页页面有益于搜索引擎蜘蛛爬取。必须写一个httpd.ini文件,如果是linux室内空间立即改自定连接就可以了。具体做法在这里也不过多阐释了,百度知道会对你说特别注意的。干了伪静态以后会造成 搜索引擎蜘蛛反复爬取伪静态页和动态性网页页面,这时就必须写个robots.txt文件严禁爬取动态性页。因此,发布前期就得写好一个robot文档来限定搜索引擎蜘蛛乱串,具体做法也可参考百度搜索。
The Xp space of the pseudo static a bit complicated, dynamic pages for spiders crawl. Need to write a httpd.ini file, if it is Linux space directly to the custom links on the line. The specific method in which not much, mother will tell you need to pay attention to. After doing pseudo static will cause the spider repeat grab pseudo static pages and dynamic pages, you need to write a robots.txt file banned grab dynamic pages. So, the early online to write a robot file to limit the spider run, specific methods can also refer to baidu.

十、重视客户体验(Pay attention to the user experience)

Want to make money, must let customers find the products they need at the station, I believe the vast majority of the webmaster do stand are to make money. So, don't go to SEO SEO website optimization, for customers to SEO. If you don't do the user experience, not to flow into the directional flow, then the more traffic is futile. Many new Adsense feel difficult to write articles, acquisition and pseudo original, so the user experience is poor even if the pseudo original, also to focus on your own web site theme to write, let the customer can understand, this is really good. Now the degrees Niang IQ is high not cheating, do dumpster sooner or later will be shot, only high quality user experience is the only way station SEO.
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