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2013-08-27 酷站科技
If you are on a whim decided to do a website construction, then I suggest you consider again. There is no free lunch and no overnight the beauty myth. Something you want to do the webmaster must first have is persevere adhere to the spirit, then clear goals and website customer groups positioning, so you can according to their own choice to do a part of your site.

There are a lot of website marketing type website profit pattern, spread on the network now, earn N yuan technology is also a channel, but it is not so easy as you think. Everything Guizaijianchi and action! You have to understand you have to learn, then you have to act? After action you have to adhere to? These are questions worth thinking about.

The site is 5

Content is too complex, no theme.

To do so, that is, the results made the website at sixes and sevens, unintelligible, the whole a hodgepodge, this is the personal website, especially the new problems. This is a bit like composition, sometimes watching this well written, that is creative, but only the true master that must take away, leaving only the most practical things, keep the site of professional and purity is more important than anything.

Another big problem the column and the content derived is maintenance is more and more big, because the new Adsense are often amateur in maintenance, so maintenance is finally growing will let you off, and eventually give up. Begin to do a website localization, the principle for one or two items in-depth do it, the other to reluctantly part, don't wait until the last maintenance does not come, then cut the column.

2、广告宣传过多(Too many ads)

Advertising can make money, we all know the truth, but if you want to make your website in the future growth can make a lot of money, you will have to resist the temptation of the advertising fee now, as far as possible to put less advertising. For example, text messages, customized ringing tone, click on the news, passion, registration, if set to do advertising, to carefully select and your site related advertising to do, visitors might need advertising principle.

假如一定要根据网址挣点钱,提议是大伙儿能够 做一点网页搜索由于检索大伙儿能用得着,还可以丰富多彩网址首页的作用,而新闻报道则是大伙儿赞不绝口的內容,但点一下新闻报道通常色图比较多,因此一定要挑选好新闻报道类型,留意不必毁了你网址的品牌形象。
If you must through the web site to earn money, suggestion is that we can do a little Baidu search because the search we can apply, also can enrich website function, while the news is people love to see and hear the content, but click on news often color chart more, so be sure to choose the good news categories, pay attention not to ruin your site's image.

The poetic couplet, pop-up, floating and follow the type advertisement must not get. Is an eyesore, will let your users to quickly leave your site and will never come again.

Advertising is a matter of choice. You want to use now popular to earn some money to continue to attract more visitors and keep old users? This is a problem.

3、版式设计令人头晕眼花(Layout design makes you)

Too many useless factors, even for good with this or that kind of graphics and special effects. All new Adsense must resist the temptation to novelty, no practical value or not essential things must not leave.

Simple is beautiful, it is the basic knowledge of aesthetics.

很多网站站长把版块分配得十分满,频道设定欠缺整体规划,盲目跟风效仿大型网站的设计风格,实际上大站自身便是一脸的长官意志,压根不值效仿。那类过多內容的堆积总是让来访者不清楚眼该往哪儿放,网站站长艰辛做的內容大伙儿不可以非常容易地寻找就全消耗了。還是这句话,网址的网页页面尽量简约,且有益于正确引导眼光的阅读文章,这一点大伙儿能够 学习培训一下海外的报刊的排版设计,就现阶段来讲,中国这些门户网及大部分大一点儿的网址全是反面典型。
Many webmaster to layout is very full, column setting lack of planning, blind imitation station style, in fact the large itself is a magisterial volition, not worthy of emulation. The piling up too much content will only let visitors do not know where to put the eye, Adsense hard do we cannot easily find wasted. Or that sentence, the website webpage be concise, and to guide the eye reading, which we can learn about foreign newspaper, at present, the portal site and most of the larger sites are opposite teaching material.

Also note that less running too flashes of images, such as GIF and flash, the noisy place can't keep people.

4、过多的友链(Too many links)

Especially the flashing giflogo, make the page look very noisy. If you must add links, suggest that you try to use text links, unless the logo carefully chosen and to balance the picture really help.

Counter excessive caused the page shows slow

We should as far as possible to choose free counter the fastest, and display it in a low-key way possible.

People do a lot of a web site, can be successful is not much, why? Because they lack such conditions! That a web site to be successful to what kind of conditions?

一,长久的热情(Lasting passion)

Do a website without passion, three minutes of heat, also can't do long site, only lasting passion is the source of power station. The Yangtze River, the Yellow River, even the Pacific is so come!

二,充足的時间(Full time)

Time for early site has not paid part-time webmaster is very heavy, only every day, can take a bit of time to take care of the site, let the net every day, with new content, not a few days are the same.

三,技术专业的专业知识(Professional knowledge)

Knowledge can create value, the site must have the basic site, website maintenance, website, search engine optimization and other related knowledge, related with the content of the website industry knowledge.

四,吃苦耐劳的精神实质(The hardships)

The website is very hard, every day sitting in front of the computer for a poor flow, you don't work hard, can't eat bitter, eventually is not going to succeed when.

五,盆友的协助(With the help of a friend)

Friends of the way to go, wide. The military struggle of arc than the strength of a team, sometimes friends a good proposal let website make the dead come back to life.

六,恰当的方位(The right direction)

Not do stand can be successful, must have the good direction, others succeed, you copied not su cceed.

七,平稳的室内空间(Stable space)

A stable space is very important to retain customers, even the best content, half a dozen don't open, every two or three days visit is not enough.

八,合理的营销推广(Effective marketing)

A website to promote, this is in the affirmative, the street hawker had to shout Oh what you say is not.

九,网民的互动交流(The interaction of the net friend)

Increased interaction among netizens, can find the deficiency of the site, the needs of users, and can be improved the web site, in order to continue to progress.

十,特点的內容(The characteristics of the contents of the)

Original, not the others, their own characteristics, even copying others also want to change the title is good!
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