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2013-07-29 酷站科技
Design of website navigation for the website construction in general is relatively simple, clear hierarchy structure of small website, webpage quantity are few, like enterprise site navigation, only need a few buttons can replace. The design of large website navigation is a very challenging. Large marketing type website construction deep level, home to many page entrance, with the size and complexity of the.

Then, large website navigation should be how to design?

Before I introduce the different navigation design concept:

Completely free of navigation

不给网址加上导航栏,只是为每一个网页页面做一个单独的标识,让客户依据标识的检索和关键字的组成寻找适合的网页页面。这类方法能够 适用无穷大的网址,即便网址的深层次联接再多也可以满足客户需求的要求,并且还提升了网页页面中间的互相联络和魅力。如今一些网址也是沒有导航栏的,比如知乎问答、无觅等。
Not added to the site navigation, but as an independent marker for each page, let users according to the combination of tag search and keyword to find the appropriate page. This way you can support the infinite sites, even if the site deep connection to also can meet the needs of users, but also to strengthen the relationship between pages and vitality. Now some sites also no navigation, such as knowledge, without looking.

Combination of mini Web

也有一种方式 便是将知名网站拆分为小型网址,如英国广播电台的网址,内设多个子网址,像闻,体育文化,电视机,广播电台等,每一个频道栏目都是有自身的导航栏,防止了商业网站的导航栏繁杂难题。
Another method is to split into mini web sites, such as the BBC website, under a number of sites, like news, sports, television, radio, and each channel has its own navigation, avoiding large website navigation complex problems.

With bread crumbs, instead of the conventional navigation

客户能够 根据某一內容页的面包糠浏览网址的频道,导航能够 让客户更清楚的了解自身所属的部位,及其上一级导航栏,缺点便是导航不可以让客户完成不一样频道的弹跳。
Users can access the site columns by bread crumbs and a content page, bread crumbs navigation allows users to more clearly know their position, and a navigation, skip defect is the bread crumbs navigation do not allow users to achieve different columns.

Should choose the navigation design way how?

4、竖直导航栏(Vertical navigation)

差别于传统式的水准导航栏方法,可以用排序的方法将导航栏竖直显示信息,內容显示信息在右边,客户能够 随时随地转换自身爱看的內容。
Horizontal navigation mode is different from the traditional, can use the grouping way navigation vertical display content, display on the right side, the user can switch at any time you want to see the contents of.

自然,能够 保存顶端的一级导航栏,能够 让客户完成不一样信息内容的迅速自动跳转
Of course, can retain the top level navigation, quick jump allows users to achieve different information

In the navigation menu

能够 设定一级导航栏,电脑鼠标移上去的情况下,出現该导航栏下的二级页面导航,让客户随意选择。能够 节约非常大的网页页面室内空间。
You can set a primary navigation, when the mouse moved up, presented two levels of navigation menu in the navigation, let users free choice. You can save a lot of space on the page.
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