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2013-06-25 酷站科技
The Internet has become the people life indispensable part of today, the Internet has come of age, with the latest statistics, more than 82.5% of the registered enterprises have set up their own company website. Even the SMEs and micro enterprises are in a variety of planning for the construction site of the company or have been implemented. However, enterprise informatization interconnected process is not everything is going smoothly.'. To illustrate and pointed out that many of the enterprises have set up their own web sites and e-mail, but they did not feel the benefits of the Internet, the majority of enterprises on the website there is no daily maintenance and update, just opened a few webpage, rough released several commodities, including page design is crudely made, but the commodity is also very long time does not change. In the search engine search penetration rate has more than nine today, the retrieval of these sites is simply no way to through the enterprise name, not to mention the product or enterprise relevant keywords.

Having said that, in the understanding of many company managers, they also think enterprise site not essential, there is no need to devote great energy, never think of enterprise website can bring profit, their enterprise website opened is perhaps in order to comply with the situation on the surface! Such ideas and practices not only failed to the publicity and marketing effect, more sad that such practices will be potential customers product away, allowing customers to lose the trust, ask, a own site are not seriously enterprises, their products and how good?

In addition to many sites cannot be retrieved, even through the direct input site also has many problems, such as the website open very slowly, page design rough state, the column establishment unbearable, let users lost to buy products of desire.

Random choice of domain name

在互联网技术的时期,网站域名便是公司的名字和知名品牌,等同于在互联网技术上的企业商标。那么关键的物品在许多企业管理者的眼里确是彻底不值一提,在挑选的全过程中彻底不用挑选。这些方面的事例有,最先便是网站域名的行为主体和网站域名类型的挑选,自然大家都了解更为有效的网站域名应该是这个公司的名字或是是商品的知名品牌,要是没有什么问题最好应用较为广泛和非常容易记忆力的com域名。二是域名dns分析网络服务器的可靠性极其重要,每一年都是有网站域名的申请注册商dns解析网络服务器遭受很多的攻击进而造成 没法一切正常分析的状况,因此对经销商的资质证书要开展细腻的掌握,挑选一些在业内拥有 好口碑的公司开展申请注册。
In the Internet era, name and brand name is the enterprise, the equivalent on the Internet enterprise trademark. So the important thing in the eyes of many corporate managers is completely insignificant, in the selection process completely indiscriminate. Examples of this are, first of all is the domain of the subject and the domain name selection, we all know that the most reasonable domain name should be the name of the enterprise or brand products, of course, if not what is the best use is common and easy to remember the domain com. Two is the stability of the DNS domain name server is extremely important, every year there are registered DNS domain name resolution server by massive attack resulting in unable to parse phenomena, so the qualification of suppliers to conduct a detailed understanding, select some good reputation in the industry of business registration.

Service host failed

服务器不稳定是许多公司和个人站长心里无法释怀的痛楚!这类不稳定不但会危害到客户访问网址的內容,另外還是网址优化的致命性凶手。一直出現各种各样难题的主机遇将网址的优化带到身亡的谷底。另外,高品质安全性的营销推广型网站建设服务器则会彻底提升和客户的友善水平,提高了客户的感受和百度搜索引擎的友善水平。例如访问速率的提升促使一些日常生活快节奏的人员不容易缺失再次访问的兴趣爱好,另外还会继续提升真实度,这也是反映整体实力的一种方式 !因此挑选适合的服务器而不应该一直为了更好地节约钱财损害自身的深远利益!
Server instability is a lot of enterprises and grassroots webmaster heart haunting pain! This instability will not only affect the users browse the site, at the same time or site optimization killer. Always the problems host will site optimization into the abyss of death. At the same time, friendly degree marketing type website construction server host quality and safety will be completely improved and user friendly degree, enhance the user experience and search engine. Such as browsing speed makes the personage of a few quick life rhythm not lost to continue browsing interest, but also increase the reliability, a method which is the embodiment of strength! So choose suitable host and should not always to save money loss their long-term interests!

Perfectly homogenous crudely made page

Enterprise website is the enterprise a piece of calling card on Internet, good design will certainly enhance the external image of the enterprise, has the good propaganda marketing objective. Accordingly, no characteristics, homogenization, experience more crudely made design also affect the user's. The site should first to feature the perfect embodiment of industry, then will be able to effectively convey the core value and core business philosophy to customers, if the website localization in the marketing and promotion of enterprise image height, then specifically for their own customized website design is essential, as for an enterprise, web site give a good experience and feeling of users, not just boring information, and from the first glance will attract users stay is web designer goal, only can successfully retain people can bring real benefits.

The column setting is only just Qiang Qiang

网址如何才算是一个达标的网址?这一有很多种多样分辨的方式 ,但是总的标准便是只有一个,那便是客户觉得比较好的网站便是好的网站,客户不认同的网址那别说便是一个不成功的事例。在频道的基本建设层面,比较好的网站频道一定要归类清楚,让客户非常容易的寻找自身要想寻找的內容,频道归类原本便是为了更好地便捷客户,而分栏层面要保证的便是让客户便捷。许多网址的频道设定彻底便是生搬硬套另一家网址的频道设定,压根就反映出不来自身网址的特有性和自身商品的优点。好的频道设定要令人一目了然,一清二楚,清清楚楚!犹抱琵琶半遮面的状况在网址的频道设定层面是坚决杜绝的!
How the website is a good website? This has a lot of kinds of judgment method, but the general principle is only one, that is the user that the good website is a good website, users are not recognised websites that don't say is an example of failure. In column construction, good site columns must be a clear classification, allow the user to easily find what they want to find content, column classification is to facilitate the users, and the column should do is to make the user convenient. Many website column is completely copy set another site columns, not simply reflect their own website and the advantage of unique products. Good programs to let people stick out a mile, clearly, as clear as noonday! Arms of Pipa half block face in the section of the web site settings is unacceptable!

Content no methodicalness

Many other websites have done very well, both settings, or open speed is very satisfying, but when the user after the first scan will never return. The reason lies in the content. Many of the sites lack of regular maintenance, the content of the web site or information, or simply to own enterprise completely useless informat ion, it doesn't matter! Give a foul foul which feeling, become the hearts of users vase website, will make people think this enterprise is like enterprise, outside is bright inside products I do not know in the end is what appearance. Evaluation always website user first time will not be updated to give poor. Web search engines at the same time not update the long-term not betting too much attention, want to find your site must take great pains.

Website will have good website, or not. Whether you are for what purpose, the construction site is always to want the user to display, therefore, the demand of the user is the first rule of construction site. When the user enters the website that moment, have been able to determine this marketing war you win! And this success and failure in a few minutes just comes from the website construction quality, therefore, the construction site must not neglect, must start from the details, the site effect come out to play!
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