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2013-04-22 酷站科技
关键字的挑选针对SEO网址优化必要性显而易见。取得成功的关键字挑选很有可能使 SEO工作中事倍功半,而错误的决定关键字很有可能产生勒索软件的結果。下 面,就如何选择网站制作适合的关键字,小结了下列三点。
Keyword selection for SEO website optimization importance is self-evident. The success of the keyword selection may make SEO work easier, and the choice of keywords error may lead to disastrous results. Under the surface, how to choose the right keywords website production, summed up the following three points.

一、从客户视角考虑到。阅读推荐:搞好客户体验 网址优化取得成功 就近在眼前
Consider from the user's point of view. Recommended reading: do the user experience of Web site optimization success will be close by.

关键字的挑选最避讳主观臆断。它是SEOer最非常容易犯的问题。因为 对领域及商品很了解,因此在关键字的挑选上,网址主或通常想当 然觉得客户也会挑选一样的关键字。事实上,这类主观臆断是有很 大偏差的。
Keyword selection is the most taboo most probably it did not actually happen. This is the most easy to make SEOer. Due to the very familiar to the industry and product, so in the choice of keywords, website owners or tend to naturally think users will choose the same keywords. In fact, this most probably it did not actually happen is a very large deviation.


也有一些SEOer以企业名字做为关键字,这类关键字最先过度冗杂 并且毫无用处。另外,关键字太广泛,也是初学者易犯的不正确。例如
,查寻了这个词的搜索指数是558.由于领域生僻,这个词在领域关 键词中早已算较为热的了,做上来难度系数并不是非常大。但大家从客户角 度考虑,这个词过度广泛,大家不清楚客户设想查寻的信息内容。因而
,能够 猜测,这个词的转换率极低,使用价值并不是非常大。

Considering the degree of competition and the number of search.

根据搜索指数(什么叫搜索指数)或seo工具,我们可以量化分析 掌握客户检索状况。但我们在挑选关键字时,还应考虑到关键字市场竞争 度。观查竞争者针对该关键字的认知度,网页搜索量,制订出最 合适大家优化的关键字。而关键字市场竞争度能够 从下列2个指标值大概 看得出:
Through Baidu Index (what is Baidu Index) or keyword tools, we can quantify the understanding of user search. But we in the choice of keywords, also should consider the keywords competition degree. Competition for the attention of the keywords, search volume, to develop the most suitable for the optimization of keywords. While the keywords competition degree can be seen roughly from the following two indicators:

1、 从百度搜索右下方回到的网页页面数,能够 大概考量某关键字 的市场竞争度。
The number of webpage search results from the lower right corner of the returned, the degree of competition can be roughly measured a keyword.

2、 观查某关键字的竟价情况,假如百度搜索主页前10位全是 百度竞价推广的网址,显而易见该关键字的市场竞争度。如果有标准也可申 请百度搜索、营销推广账户,观查该关键字的百度搜索或提议的最少价钱,这也 是常见的方式 。
Observation of a keyword bidding situation, if the search results page before 10 is for the promotion of the website, one can imagine the keywords competition degree. If the conditions can also apply, Baidu promotion account, the lowest price of the keyword Baidu or suggestion, this also is the commonly used method.

拥有所述的检索频次和关键字市场竞争度,我们可以大概的测算某 关键字效率。公式计算:检索频次/市场竞争度。市场竞争度能够 是百度搜索回到 网页页面数、或者竟价价钱,提议仅挑选在其中之一做为市场竞争度指标值,确 保結果精确性。剩余的便是挑选效率最大的2-3个词做为总体目标关键字。
With the above search times and keywords competition degree, we may roughly a keyword effectiveness calculation. Formula: the number of search / competition. The degree of competition can be return search results webpage, or bidding price, suggested that only choose one of them as the competition index, ensure the accuracy. The rest is 2-3 word the highest efficiency as the target keywords.
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