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2013-04-11 酷站科技
 1.现阶段百度搜索引擎对动态性的爬取并不是很理想化,死链、拖拉的URL都是会让网站制作对百度搜索引擎造成不友善的情况。因此大家第一步 要查验大家网在是不是存有像:有没有flash ,URL是否有静态数据掉。反复 网页页面,死链是不是递交了这些。
At present, the search engines crawl on the dynamic is not very ideal, dead link, procrastination, URL will let the website production is not friendly to the search engine. Repeat the page, dead link is presented.

2.网址的导航栏目地是为了更好地正确引导客户更强的实际操作网址进而寻找要想 的內容,因此在网址导航上我们要保证充足简易、好用,即使新手 也可以实际操作,另外在醒目的部位置放网址关键的频道和导航栏。那样 更能突显网址的內容。看一下小编的宁房网就知道,大家把关键栏 目放到了最醒目的地区,让客户第一就见到。
The site navigation is to guide users to better operation site to find what you want, so in the site navigation, we want to do is simple enough, practical, even if white can also operate at the same time, placed in a conspicuous place of the website core columns and navigation. This will highlight the content of the website. Have a look the Ning real network will know, we have a core column on the most prominent place, let the user first saw.

3,面包糠功效便是告知客户她们现阶段在网址中的部位及其怎样返 回。因此在配备面包糠的情况下我们要留意,要充足清楚,让客户一 眼就能搞清楚,另外一个优良的面包糠途径,可能引诱客户点一下上一 级网页页面去访问很感兴趣的有关主题风格。那样,进而,能够 减少网址的总 体跳失率。
Bread crumbs role is to tell the user they are currently in the website of the position and how to return. So when the configuration of bread crumbs we should pay attention to, to be clear enough, let users can see at a glance, also a good breadcrumbs, related topics will entice users to click on a page to browse interest. So, thus, can reduce the total body website jump out rate.

The spider grab content is via the link here, so our site content is already set up, for example, some password or login to view the search engine grab etc..

5.网址的内部链接是不是基本建设优良,优良的内部链接能够 降低搜索引擎蜘蛛的工作中负 荷,更为非常容易的爬取百度收录大家网址的內容。因此内部链接的基本建设,大家 要下点时间。以内链上小编的宁房网,当时是下了苦功,改了修,修了改。
The web site of the chain is good, good inside chain can reduce the spider work load, more easy to grab included our site content. So in the construction of the chain, we want to work hard. The inner chain the Ning real network, it is a hard work, change the repair, repair change.

6. 单一网页页面连接是不是过多,一般百度搜索引擎强烈推荐一个网页页面数最多的链 接数在100-150中间,过多将不利抓取,自然假如你的百度权重足 够高,或是网页页面权重值充足高如首页能够 适度提升。
Single page link is too much, the general search engine recommend a maximum number of page links between 100-150, too much is not conducive to crawling, of course, if your website weight high enough, or the page weight is high enough such as the home page can be appropriately increased.

7,网页页面的编码,我们要精减,防止冗杂,一切正常状况下大家一个页 面的的尺寸大概在100K上下。网站源代码的精减危害着大家网址的打 开速率。如今许多的网址选用的全是目前的模版,没历经精减,让 网页页面的编码处在冗杂情况。小编的宁房网选用的是自身撰写,第一 防止了冗杂,第二,在中后期的优化之中更为的便捷。
Webpage code, we should be streamlined, avoid long, normally we a page size was about 100K. The site code streamlining affect open speed of our website. Now many of the site are the existing template, not streamlined, make webpage code in a state of. Author Ning real network is used in their preparation, the first to avoid lengthy, second, in the later optimization more convenient.

8,H标识是不是应用恰当。百度搜索引擎会对H标识、B标识那样的强 化标识给与充足的高度重视,因而应当在网页页面中有效应用这种标识开展 加强。可是谨记过多。H1标识一个网页页面只有有一个。
H tags are used properly. Search engines will pay enough attention to the H tags, B tags such strong tag, it should be in the webpage in the rational use of these tags to strengthen. But remember that excessive. The H1 tag to a page can have only one.

9,适当加上互动交流协助网址提高人气值和排行。如共享、定阅、强烈推荐、 顶踩、评价、留言板留言。这种互动交流的加上针对网址的排行是很有益处的。另外也可以做到更客户沟通交流的实际效果。
The proper addition of interactive web help enhance the popularity and ranking. If the share subscription, recommend, top, trample, comment, message. Add these interactive for the site's ranking is very good. At the same time also can achieve more user communication effect.
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