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2013-02-20 酷站科技
Website content push, search, classification, screening way has four kinds of classification, more or less, at the same time.

一、客户自己挑选(Users customize)

This way the user has the initiative the biggest, site classification through navigation and search system design is clear, let users through their wishes, to find he needs information on the website.

缺陷:是不是能寻找精准的信息内容,一方面在于客户对信息内容的分类方法和关键词搜索的机构,一方面在于网址对信息内容的分类和关键字的机构。假如双方对同一內容的要求和了解不一致,,一个信息,网址归如A类型,客户觉得B类型能够 寻找,那麼一定是万念俱灭。那麼这一信息内容应当打A,B2个Tag,归于2个类型。检索也是一样的原因,要在检索的数据库索引里将很有可能被客户查寻的信息内容都出示彻底。最终,很多的归类和繁杂的检索信息内容累积下来,反倒又从精准变成了模糊不清。因此大家发觉,各种百度搜索引擎上的关键字愈来愈长。
Advantages: clear, simple and effective.
Weaknesses: if you can find the exact information, on the one hand depends on the user of the information classification and search keywords organization, on the one hand depends on the website for information classification and keyword organization. If the two party needs and understanding of the same content, inconsistent, an information content, such as web site to A category, B category of users that can be found, then it must be failed. This information should be playing A, B two Tag, fall into two categories. Search is the same reason, in the search index may be a user query information provided is complete. Finally, classification and miscellaneous large search information accumulation, but also from the exact into fuzzy. So people found, each big search engine keyword more long.

Summary: as the most basic way, no site does not provide this function, at least the classification of information.

二、审批配对(Audit matching)

Audit refers to the audit selection of content, such as by scoring system, the quantity that browse, click rate, time and so on some other factors, sort and weight to a large number of similar information to distinguish, to judge the content of the needs of the user level, in the category list or search results, user demand information will most likely the first or the most obvious display to the user.

Advantages: as a supplement for the first way, through the rules for sorting and filtering of information, reduce the most users search cost.
Disadvantages: it is a way of matching the minority is subordinate to the majority, which is the default need information of the user is " most users, " and not " a small number of users " demand. The scoring system also has the problem of the system, allowing users to score, and produce ideal will not score, score and the lack of professional. About the commodity the score, I in another article discussed -- existing goods scoring system is not perfect in addition, YouTube also draws the conclusion that, the distribution is not ideal score.

Summary: in this matching system, the maximum demand is the biggest meet the minimum requirements, be ignored, from the income in general is the optimal solution, but when the personalized needs of more and more intense, the long tail of the user needs no obvious sequence, is entirely a handful of users have a handful of different needs, and they add up to is a can not ignore the long tail, how to give them a pu sh content information.

三、人性化配对(Personalized matching)

Through the multi-dimensional understanding of user preferences, to match the user's information needs. Like to drink juice of the people through the " apple " this word the first view is the " apple juice " related information, and a " powder " through the " apple " the word first find the " apple computer ". How to define a user personality dimensions, there are two general ways.

One kind is called " like attracts like ":

It is predicted by the content of love. The bean in the personalized match do very well, it can give users very accurate books, movies and so on. So the watercress need to understand your love is what type of content, you need to continue to accumulate what you like, it is more accurate to similar content to you.

Another is the " birds of a feather flock together ":

根据你的社交圈来预计。信息内容的传统式运转方式便是根据“群分”的人来开展的,资源共享最先是在社交圈和社交圈内,兴趣爱好同样的人中间散播,因此这是一个质朴的方式 ,根据大数据技术提升了散播高效率。豆瓣电影也会告之客户他的朋友在关心的物品和收集的信息内容,最典型性的還是相近开心网那样以人际交往为基本的SNS网站。你的朋友们显而易见比算法设计更掌握你,她们积极强烈推荐让你,或是他们自己喜爱的信息内容,相信你也会很感兴趣。
Predicted by your social circle. The traditional circulation way of information is through the "groups " people for, information sharing is the first in the circle and circle, the spread between people of the same interest, so this method is a simple, through the Internet communication technology improves the efficiency of. Bean also informs the user about his friends in things and collect information of concern, the most typical is similar to happy net that based on interpersonal relationships of SNS website. Your friends than the computer algorithm to learn more about you, they take the initiative to recommend to you, or they like information, I believe you will be interested in.

缺陷:羊群效应(Matthew Effect),好的越好,坏的愈坏,多的越多,少的愈少。举一个事例来表明,我还在Google Reader定阅了很多的UED有关的blog,結果它就全自动强烈推荐UED有关的blog帮我,可是我已经定阅可以了,我倒是很爱看一些写八卦小敏的定阅源,可是难以寻找。因为我不可以根据”写八卦小敏的定阅源“这一关键字寻找适合的Blog。
Advantages: matching more accurate, more effective
Disadvantages: Matthew effect ( Matthew Effect ), good better, bad worse, much more, less and less. As an example, in my Google Reader subscribe to a lot of UED related to blog, it will automatically recommend UED blog to me, but I already have a subscription is enough, I'd like to see some writing a gossip message feeds, but it's hard to find. I can't write by " gossip Xiaowen feeds " the keywords to find the right Blog.

Summary: the most accurate, but the easiest Zoupian front.

四、没差别消息推送(No difference push)

There is no difference is, whoever you are, you have to pass the same information.

Advantages: simple, direct, simply
Disadvantages: easy to be sick
Conclusion: there are effects

On the whole, I summed up the four kinds of style, have their pros and cons, as for how to use, in different scenarios are detailed in different ways, the more, the more.
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