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2013-02-17 酷站科技
Usually, a successful website only a few fonts are similar in style, instead of using the font. The best site should use without serifs and without serif fonts, instead of the combination of the two. The number in the production site layout should also be careful to use the font. Good design will add some similar font font, rather than a range. Safe font most browsers can identify a specific number, this design is mainly used to avoid complications, display skills are especially important.

字体下载后在CSS3字体样式控制模块,并一直在Safari 3.1,Opera 10和Mozilla的火狐浏览器3.5完成。接着的兴趣爱好提升,及其在Web样式应用的字体下载。大部分网址上的合理布局包含空格符文,成段,也防止了管理中心两端对齐的文字。
Font download CSS3 font module, and has been in Safari 3.1, Opera 10 and Mozilla Firefox 3.5. The subsequent increase in interest, and is used in the Web format font download. Most sites layout including spaces rune, into segments, but also to avoid the center align text.


Web页理应清晰地表明,以改进客户的导航栏。还用以导航栏目地,该网址的网页布局应保持一致,在不一样的网页页面上。在企业建站时,它是十分关键的考虑到网页页面的总宽,由于它是尤为重要的调节目标和合理布局设计方案。最时兴 的网址一般都贴近1024清晰度的总宽。大部分网页页面垂直居中两端对齐,使物件看上去更为美观大方的显示屏上。
The Web page should be clearly stated, to improve the user's navigation. Also used for navigation purposes, the web page layout should be consistent, in different webpage. In the construction site, it is very important to consider the width of the page, because it is the object of adjustment crucial and layout design. The most popular sites are generally close to 1024 pixels in width. Most page alignment, make the object look more beautiful on the big screen.

液体合理布局在2001年上下,做为取代根据HTML表的合理布局,网页布局的设计原理,并做为一种编号技术性,根据网格图的设计方案回绝,但十分迟缓。[注1尽人皆知的假定是,阅读者将有显示屏的机器设备,或不一样尺寸的对话框,并没什么界面设计工作人员能够 做些哪些来更改这一。因而,设计方案应转化成模块(侧栏,內容块,广告宣传区,导航栏区)发送至电脑浏览器将被安裝到显示信息对话框中的电脑浏览器,它能够 。因为电脑浏览器不认识的关键点,阅读者的显示屏(对话框尺寸,文字大小相对性于对话框等)的电脑浏览器干了更强的工作中,这比一个假设性的室内设计师。尽管那样的显示信息很有可能会常常产生变化的具体内容模块的相对位置,侧栏很有可能会民不聊生下边的文章正文中,而不是它的一侧。这一般是一个更强的,尤其是一个更有效的并不是让步试着显示信息一个硬编码的网格图,压根不宜在元器件对话框显示信息。內容块的相对位置,尤其是,有可能产生变化,但每一个块的危害较小。便捷性也比较好,尤其是防止水准翻转。
The fluid distribution in about 2000, as a replacement for the HTML table layout based on the principles of design, page layout, and as a coding technique, refused to grid-based design, but very slow. [Note 1 axiomatic assumption is, readers will have the screen device, or windows of different sizes, and there is no page designers can do to change this. Therefore, the design should be decomposed into unit ( sidebar, a piece of content, advertising area, the navigation area ) is sent to the browser will be installed to the display window in the browser, it can. Because the browser doesn't know the details, the reader's screen ( window size, font size relative to the browser window ) have done a better job, this is a hypothetical designer. Although such a display position relative to the main content unit may frequently change, the body may become destitute and homeless sidebar below, but not its side. This is usually a better, especially a more useful than compromise to try to show a hard coded mesh, not suitable for display device window. The relative position of the content block, in particular, are likely to change, but has little effect for each block. Ease of use is also very good, especially to avoid horizontal scrolling.

回应性的Web设计方案是一种新的方式 ,CSS3的基本上,根据提升应用CSS @新闻媒体的伪挑选和更多方面的每一个机器设备的规格型号内网页页面的css样式表。
In response to the Web design is a new method, based on CSS3, through the strengthening of each equipment pseudo selection and deeper using CSS @ media specifications of the page style sheet.

3.编码品质(The quality of the code)

当建立一个网站,它是非常好的作法,符合规定的。这一般是根据叙述特定元器件干什么。不符合规定,很有可能会做一个网站没法应用或非常容易错误的,但规范牵涉到恰当的网页布局的易读性,及其保证编号原素适度关掉。这包含编码中的不正确,编码为更强的合理布局,及其保证你的ID和类的恰当鉴别。有时候被通俗化地称之为欠佳的编号的网页页面标识汤。根据W3C认证时,只有做一 个恰当的DOCTYPE申明,它是用于突显编码中的不正确。系统软件鉴别不正确和不符网页页面设计规范。随后,此信息内容能够 由客户改正。
When creating a website, it is good practice, conform to the standard. This is usually what is described by the specified element. Do not meet the standard, may do a website to cannot use or error-prone, but the standard related to readability correct page layout, and to ensure proper closed code element. This includes the mistake in the code, the code for the better layout, and ensure the correct identification of your ID and class. Sometimes colloquially known webpage tag Soup for poor code. Through W3C certification, can only do a correct DOCTYPE statements, which are used to highlight errors in code. System identification error and does not meet the webpage design standards. Then, this information can be corrected by the user.

4.视觉传达设计(Visual design)

优良的视觉设计网站在的标志,其市场定位。VMD视觉设计这能够 是一个年龄段或特殊的文化艺术链,因而,设计方案工作人员应掌握其受众群体的发展趋势。设计师也应当搞清楚她们已经设计方案,这代表着,比如,一个企业官网不应该被设计方案了做为一个社交媒体网址同样种类的网址。室内设计师还应掌握顾主或商务网站的意味着,以保证她们被勾勒有益的。艺术美学或一个网站的总体设计方案不应该发生争执的內容,使客户能够 便捷地访问和搜索需要的信息内容或商品等。
Good visual design website on the logo, its target market. VMD visual marketing this can be an age group or specific cultural chain, therefore, designers should understand its audience trend. Designers should understand that they are designing, this means, for example, a corporate Web site should not be designed as a social media site, the same type of website. The designer should also understand the representative employer or business site, to ensure that they are portrayed favorable. The overall design aesthetic or a website should not conflict with the content, users can easily browse and find the required information or products etc..

5.客户体验设计方案(User experience design)

In order to let the user know a website, they must be able to understand how the site is working. Will it affect their experience. User experience related to the layout, clear instructions and labels on the site. The user must understand how they interact with the site. On the continued use, the user must see, the practicality of the website, if he or she is to continue to use it. Skilled and proficient in Web users who, this effect is directly related to how they look at the site, which encourages further use. Therefore, less experienced users are unlikely to see or useful website. , focus on the design of a more general and lead in all directions of traffic network, to accommodate as many users as possible, regardless of the user's technology.
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