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2012-11-14 酷站科技

Novices are generally from the forum started, relatively simple. The forum is generally two ways, one is here, through the signature text links or anchor text for outer chain; another is to post, the article directly outside the chain, at the same time signature also has a link.

Website snapshot backward reason conjecture

Site article content quality. For a SEO blog, SEO's idea was simple: to record and share their own doing SEO website optimization process of some experience and ideas, and the choice of the word "SEO" is mainly to test their abilities, have a look. So the article sharing when more is paying attention to the optimization, and did not pay too much attention to quality. This is absolutely worth improvement.

The structure of the site is not very good. SEO is for the procedure is absolutely a rookie, so many things will not be very much, the website structure may not be good, a lot of places need to be optimized to achieve without. As soon as possible for the website has a small adjustment, hope concerned friends give suggestions.

Production site outside the chain of quality is not good enough. I have been in the site of the internal and external optimization optimization, do very little, outside also is more and some friends to exchange some links, for external links anchor text basically no construction, this is a very big inadequacy.

实际上,针对上边的三点SEO感觉還是能够 体现一些难题的,可是真实的难题是否那样的三个猜测呢?我觉得这种猜测全是很切合实际的,也确实是自己做的不够的地区,下边SEO给大伙儿做一个简易的剖析。
In fact, for the above three points SEO think it can reflect some problems, but the real problem is it right? So three guess? I think these conjectures are very practical, it is its own deficiencies, below SEO for everyone to make a simple analysis.

二、网站快照落伍二天的真实缘故探讨(Website snapshot of the real reason behind two days of)

1、网页快照的工作模式浅谈(Baidu snapshots work mode shallow analyse)

网页快照简易的能够 了解成下边的一种工作模式:百度爬虫来爬取大家网址的网页页面会将网页页面上的文字內容开展简易解决减噪以后,和数据库查询中现有的网页页面开展比照,假如该网页页面內容相似性不高,那麼能够 获得一个纯文字內容的储存,那样就产生了快照更新。
Baidu snapshot simple can be understood as the following a working mode: Baidu spider to grab our web pages of text on the page will be the contents of the simple processing noise reduction, and already in the database page comparison, if the page content similarity is not high, you can get a text-only content storage, so on the formation of snapshot.

Website snapshot of the real reason behind two day

According to this principle, website snapshot does not update the reason there are generally two kinds of possible:

One is Baidu spider crawl the page content when the discovery of web page content repeatability is too high, and existing data conflicts, in order to avoid occupying the database memory, temporarily not the latest snapshot released. The SEO blog updated daily number, a just, so home changes may not be all that great, repeatability is obviously a bit high, this is consistent with the rose. The blog phenomenon : a snapshot of a slow day, page also included.

B、次之一种是由于百度权重还达不上百度搜索针对网址点评的管理体系规定,这是一个很模糊不清的表述,想表述搞清楚能够 听一听我关于新站的一些念头,一开始优化的新网站,大家的百度权重很显而易见是很低的,历经大家艰辛的勤奋,每日坚持不懈搞好的內容升级,做外链导 入权重值,再再加上時间的累积,渐渐地的大家的权重值会愈来愈高,百度搜索也会对大家的网址做到一种信任感,每日会来爬取,随后释放,可是如果我们的权重值减少到一个规范,那麼百度搜索便会减少信任感,会取回当天快照更新,做一个调查,一段时间后再放出来。这儿危害百度权重的要素很有可能就会有:1、內容品质;2、外部链接权重值;3、网站建设時间;4、百度搜索信任感。也许也有别的的一些要素,这儿大伙儿有一定的发觉能够 给SEO提提提议。照理说,SEOblog的权重值已经不断提高,排行也在持续增长,这一缘故還是不那麼精确的。
The second one is because the website weight is not up to the Baidu for websites evaluation system requirements, this is a very vague explanation, to explain to me about the new ideas, new beginning of optimization, our website weight is obviously low, through our hard efforts, insist to update, external links into the weight, coupled with the accumulation of time, slowly we weight will be more and more high, Baidu will be on our website to reach a kind of trust, every day to crawl, and then released, but if our weight is reduced to a standard, then Baidu will reduce the trust, will withdraw the snapshot, a study, a period of time after put out. This site ranking factors may have: 1, quality of content; 2, outside the chain of weight; 3, website construction time; 4, Baidu trust. Maybe there are some other factors, here we find can give SEO advice. Arguably, the SEO blog weights are constantly upgrading, ranking also continues to rise, the reason is not so accurate.

Optimization of the site work need to do what comes naturally

Now the search engine technology is constantly tend to perfection, ready to deal with the search engine, this is every stationmaster should do, timely summarize experience to do good website optimization, it is often said, included on the site down, outside the chain increases, which is ranked or falling, not know why, in a small series of opinion, was dropped, because the website optimization done enough natural.

内部链接基本建设当然,说到这儿,迫不得已提示大伙儿一下,许多情况下大家都了解去做个内部链接,可是却有时做了多了。内部链接基本建设给你网址产生一个蛛网,让搜索引擎蜘蛛沿着互联网能够 抓取你网址的每一个支系。基础知识大家都是会有,可是总会有一部分网站站长将优化做很凑合,下边我也给大伙儿强调一些大伙儿以内链基本建设中一些错误观念。
The construction of the chain of natural, here, to remind you, most of the time people know to do within the chain, but sometimes to do too much. The construction of the chain to make your site into a spider web spider, let down the network you can crawl your site every branch. Basic knowledge we have, but always partial stationmaster will optimize do very reluctantly, let me give you some people pointed out some mistakes in chain construction.

The web page content to the top or bottom fixed to optimize the key words for this technique. Think of my title will know, not natural, true not natural. Therefore, do not suggest to take such a technique, do not use keywords added directly in the template, in the current search engine development trend is not desirable, but also greatly influence the experience of the user, after all too obvious.

2、新网站內容网页页面锚点链接过度聚集(The new content page anchor text is too dense)

For a new station, we should not use too many anchor text links to the home page, Baidu will not give you the high weights, repeatedly capture will only make the search engine was more disgusted, so the new station is only required in content takes individual keywords bold, stress a focal point.

3、应当重视内部链接到专业分类(Should pay attention to in the chain of catalogue)

这也是网站站长们常常忽视一点,由于大家都去重视了seo优化中关键字锚点链接的基本建设,锚文本链接都偏向主页,通常却忽视了文件目录的串连,在文章正文中假如出現专业分类题目,应当做一个连接偏向该归类,那样做的念头非常简单,便是引搜索引擎蜘蛛对网址该归类內容开展再次抓取,益处自然许多,能够 让百度搜索引擎再次爬取你的內容,针对之前沒有百度收录內容,巨大很有可能会被再度百度收录。这也提升了百度搜索引擎对网址友善水平。很显而易见,相对性于主页来讲,搜索引擎蜘蛛会更喜欢有本质內容的内容页,自始至终不能忘记搜索引擎蜘蛛来抓取网站内容的目地。
This is also the stationmaster people often ignore the point, because everybody to pay attention to the SEO keyword in anchor text optimization construction, anchor text links point to the home, often neglected catalog series, in the text if classification catalog titles, should be a link pointing to this classification, the idea is very simple the spider on the web, is the classification of content to crawl, advantage is very much of course, allows search engines to grab you, for not previously included content, which may be collected again. This also increases the search engine friendly degree of site. Obviously, relative to a home, the spider will be more like substance inside pages, always cannot forget the spider crawling web content purpose.

Outside the chain of construction of nature for chain building natural I only talk about two aspects, from outside the chain of correlation and the outer chain stability construction.

1、外链的关联性(The correlation between external links)

网站站长们都了解怎样做外链,可是却很不重视外部链接方法。关联性是外部链接一个关键一部分。关联性能够 从2个层面来谈,第一个便是外部链接发在与你网址具备关联性网址上边,它是第一点;第二点便是公布外部链接內容与网址有关。通常结合实际,有网址大家难以去寻找关联性社区论坛,例如企业官网,难以去寻找与公司所生产制造商品这些相关网站,这个时候大家就需要搞好后一点“外部链接內容的关联性”。內容关联性,给大伙儿详尽解释一下,在你找不着关联性网址去公布你外部链接情况下,你也就能够 拿你早已被百度收录的文章内容去发至一些百度收录优良社区论坛,文章内容底端留有你全文详细地址,这就是一个简易外部链接內容关联性事例。自然也必须提示大伙儿针对沒有百度收录文章内容,请不要公布在别网址,那样就等同于完全免费给他人写文了。
Stationmaster people know how to send outside the chain, but do not pay attention to outside the chain of skills. Correlation is a core part of outer chain. The correlation can discuss from two aspects, the first is the outer chain in with your site has relevance website, this is the first point; second is released outside the chain of content associated with the website. Often in practice, have a website we are hard to find related forums, such as corporate Web site, very hard to find and the enterprises produced products and related website, this time we will do after a bit of "outside the chain of content correlation ". Correlation between content, to explain it in detail, when you can't find a correlation between a website to release you outside the chain, you can take you have been included in the article to send in some collect good forum, the bottom left you original address, this is a simple external chain content related examples. Of course, also need to remind you to no articles, please do not post in other sites, this is equivalent to free of charge to the others to write text.

2、外链可靠性的基本建设(The construction of external link stability)

不管你是去公布外部链接也罢,還是买链接也罢,外部链接可靠性基本建设也是外部链接当然一个反映。百度搜索引擎每星期都是会有一次小的升级,因此,外链发布务必平稳。挂上连接了就不必下,在这儿就迫不得已提示网站站长们千万别选购heilian,不但品质很差,可靠性也是无需谈了,连接没了就补不了,悲惨就唯有你自身了。针对做外链,这是一个必须长期性坚持不懈全过程,三天打网二天晒鱼必然是不可取的。要想公布外部链接能够 维持得更长期,那么就最新网站內容,写高品质的软文推广在高权重值社区论坛上,话说有品质的外部链接才可以为“皇”嘛。
Whether you go or released outside the chain, or buy a link or link construction, stability is also outside the chain of natural one embodiment. Search engines every week there is a minor update, so, outside the chain of construction must be stable. Hang up the links don't, here to remind stationmaster people don't buy heilian, not only are of poor quality, stability is not to talk about, link out on up, miserable only yourself. To send outside the chain, which is a long-term process, three days net two days of drying fish is certainly not desirable. If you want to publish the chain can be maintained for much longer, it is the new site content, writing high quality soft man release at high weights forum, saying that there is quality outside chain to as the "emperor ".
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