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2012-11-07 酷站科技
酷站科技互联网觉得说白了的“外部链接为帝”关键讲的便是网址外链对SEO网址优化的功效,强劲的外链发布是网站制作得到高权重值和较高排行的基本,可是许多情况下也是经常由于外部链接的难题常常造成 K站,减少权重值活是百度搜索的十一位状况,俗话说得好:过犹不及。在大家发外链的情况下也应当有一个度,而很多人都难以把握这一度。下边我简易讲下在外链发布层面的一些疑难问题和会造成 的不良影响。
Luxuries that so-called " China network outside the chain for the emperor " is mainly about site external link on the SEO website optimization effect, powerful outside catenary construction is the production site to obtain a high weight and high ranking based, but is also a lot of time often because the outer chain problems often lead to K station, reduce the heavy work is right Baidu eleven phenomenon, as the saying goes : ". In the US outside the chain when it should have a degree, and many people are very difficult to grasp the degree. Here I simply about the outer chain construction of some of the common problems and consequences.

一、外部链接主题风格和本身行为主体类型比较严重不符合(Outside the chain of theme and subject category serious discrepancies)

The concept is first has been mentioned, but because the outer chain construction complicated and difficult to control, people often ignore this. In fact, search engines crawl webpage in time, it will automatically to review articles belonging to the category, which will check outside the chain of the target page industry categories, such as similar types, search engine thinks the station is independent to target station polling. The weight will also maximize. Of course, as the chain of construction need to with the industry to do so, the operation is quite difficult, so we need in the news articles under foot. For example, his article is posted to the Admin5 or Chinaz, because search engine to news and information of the outer chain grab, not in the great emphasis on whether the same industry.

二、外链网站涉及到不法內容或已被惩罚的网址(Outer chain sites involved in illegal content or have been punished website)

这一点一切百度搜索引擎也不太认可,可是历经许多网址的比照和科学研究,大家发觉,百度搜索引擎确实会由于那样的外部链接而对全部导出来网址开展一个连同处罚。尤其比较严重的是涉黄网站所导出来的连接,基础无一幸免。(比如以前我群发消息过社区论坛回贴,一不小心将自身的站发至了涉黄网站,以后的权重值就一路减少)因此在发外链的情况下干万不能急于求成的去用群发器,由于你没法清晰你发的外部链接都发至了哪一个站,不必由于一时的简易便捷而造成 以前全部的勤奋的功亏一篑。假如要保证一个认真细致的seor,那务必保证对自身的外链分析保证100%的操控。
This is not to admit any search engine, but after a lot of website comparison and research, we find, search engines do so outside the chain of all export sites were a joint punishment. Particularly serious is involved in yellow website are basic link, a man. ( e.g. before I send forum replies, carelessly his station to the implications of yellow website, after the weight on the way down) in doing so outside the chain of time must not be eager to use the software, because you cannot know you send outside the chain are sent to the stations, don't because of a convenient and easy to lead to all previous efforts to waste all the previous efforts. If you want to do a strict Seor, it must be done on their outer chain analysis to 100% control.

三、很多低品质外部链接(A large number of low quality chain)

In the process of optimizing the site, most people think outside the chain of more is better, for the site weights and rank also will play a positive role, this is one of the most basic and most common mistakes. This approach both from the site itself or from the search engine 's point of view, it is wrong. Because many of today's search engines have become more and more intelligent, the outer chain construction initially search engine is the interpretation of website of the other side to give yourself website voting, once the site of a link excesses, then it is highly likely to be search engine determines the link group or one operating. This is a violation of the search engine to the outside the chain of interpretation. China online luxuries that once the search engine for the outer chain as mass determination. The consequences are very serious, light the snapshot delay, while direct K station.
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