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2012-10-24 酷站科技
Usually development web design language which to have?

Commonly used with ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, that in addition to the use of the highest frequency and JAVA is JSP.

Leading web development language ASP detail

ASP是微软公司(Microsoft)所开发设计的一种后台管理开发语言,它的英语的语法和Visual BASIC相近,能够 像SSI(Server Side Include)那般把后台管理脚本制作编码嵌入到HTML网页页面中。尽管ASP简易实用,可是它本身存有着很多缺点,最重要的便是安全系数难题。现阶段在微软公司的 .net 发展战略中澳发布的ASP.net 效仿了Java技术性的优势,应用C Sharp (C#) 語言做为ASP.net的强烈推荐語言,另外改善了之前ASP的安全系数差等缺陷。可是,应用ASP/ASP.net仍有一定的局限,由于从某类视角而言他们只有在微软公司的 Windows NT/2000/XP IIS的网络服务器服务平台上优良运作(尽管像ChilliSoft出示了在UNIX/Linux上运作ASP的解决方法,可是现阶段ASP在UNIX/Linux上的运用可以说基本上为0)。因此服务平台的局限和ASP本身的安全系数限定了ASP的广泛运用。
ASP is Microsoft ( Microsoft ) developed a backstage script language, its grammar and Visual similar to BASIC, like SSI ( Server Side Include ) as the backstage script code is embedded in the HTML page. Although ASP is simple and easy to use, but it itself has many defects, the most important is the safety problem. In the Microsoft .Net strategy in the new ASP.net from the advantages of Java technology, using C Sharp ( C# ) language as recommended by ASP.net language, and the improvement of the previous ASP security shortcomings. However, the use of ASP/ASP.net still has some limitations, because in some ways they can only be in the Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP IIS server platform running well ( although like ChilliSoft provides the run on UNIX/Linux ASP solution, but the current ASP application on UNIX/Linux can say is almost 0). So the platform limitations and ASP itself safety limits the application of ASP.

The mainstream development language ASP.NET details

ASP.net是Microsoft.net的一部分,做为发展战略商品,不仅是 Active Server Page (ASP) 的下一个版本号;它还出示了一个统一的 Web 开发设计实体模型,在其中包含开发者转化成公司级 Web 程序运行需要的各种各样服务项目。ASP.NET 的英语的语法在非常大水平上与 ASP 适配,另外它还出示一种新的程序编写实体模型和构造,可转化成弹性和可靠性更强的程序运行,并出示更强的安全性维护。能够 根据在目前 ASP 程序运行中慢慢加上 ASP.NET 作用,随时随地提高 ASP 程序运行的作用。ASP.NET 是一个已编译程序的、根据 .NET 的自然环境,可以用一切与 .NET 适配的語言(包含 Visual Basic .NET、C# 和 JScript .NET.)写作程序运行。此外,一切 ASP.NET 程序运行都能够应用全部 .NET Framework。开发者能够 便捷地得到这种技术性的优势,在其中包含代管的公共性語言运行库自然环境、种类安全性、承继这些。ASP.NET 能够 无缝拼接地与 WYSIWYG HTML 在线编辑器和别的编程工具(包含 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)一起工作中。这不但促使 Web 开发设计更为便捷,并且还能出示这种专用工具务必出示的全部优势,包含开发者能够 用于将网络服务器控制拖放进 Web 页的 GUI 和彻底集成化的调节适用。微软公司为ASP.net设计方案了那样一些对策:便于写成构造清楚的编码、编码便于器重和共享资源、能用编译程序类語言撰写这些,目地是让程序猿更非常容易开发设计出Web运用,考虑测算向Web迁移的发展战略必须。
ASP.net is part of the Microsoft.net, as a strategic product, not just the Active Server Page ( ASP ) in the next version; it also provides a unified Web development model, including developers build enterprise Web applications for various services. ASP.NET syntax is largely compatible with ASP, at the same time, it also provides a new programming model and structure, can generate the scalability and stability better application, and to provide better security protection. Can be adopted in existing ASP applications to gradually add ASP.NET functionality, to enhance the functionality of ASP applications. ASP.NET is a compiled, based on the.NET environment, you can use any .NET compatible languages ( including Visual, Basic .NET C# and JScript .NET. ) authoring application. In addition, any ASP.NET application can use the .NET Framework. Developers can easily obtain the advantage of these techniques, including hosting a common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance and so on. ASP.NET can seamlessly with WYSIWYG HTML editor and other programming tools ( including the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET ) work together. This not only made the Web development more convenient, but also can provide the tools must provide all of the advantages, including the development of personnel can be used to set the server controls onto the page Web GUI and fully integrated debugging support. Microsoft ASP.net for the design of some of these strategies: easy to write a clear struc ture code, code easy to reuse and share class, can be used to compile language and so on, the purpose is to let the programmer is more likely to develop Web applications, to meet the strategic need to transfer calculation Web.

Nowadays the mainstream Web server software is mainly composed of IIS or Apache. IIS ASP support and can only be run on Windows platform, Apache support PHP, CGI, JSP and can run on multiple platforms, although Apache is ranked first in the world to use Web server platform, but as everyone knows, Windows easy to use and famous, and thus occupy a lot of server market.

Leading web development language PHP detail

PHP 的全称十分趣味,它是一个巢状的简称名字——“PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”,开启简称還是简称。PHP是一种HTML 嵌入式的語言 (如同上边讲的ASP那般)。而 PHP 与众不同的英语的语法混和了C,Java,Perl及其 PHP 式的新英语的语法。它能够 比 CGI 或是 Perl 更迅速地实行动态网站。
PHP 's name is very interesting, it is a nested acronym name -- " PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor ", open the acronym or abbreviation. PHP is an embedded HTML language ( like the ASP. ). While PHP unique grammatical blend of C, Java, Perl and PHP type new grammar. It can be compared to CGI or Perl faster implementation of dynamic webpage.

PHP的源码彻底公布,在 Open Source 观念仰头的今日,它也是这些方面的砥柱中流。不断有新的库函数添加,及其不断地升级,促使 PHP 不管在 UNIX 或者 Win32 的服务平台上面能够 有大量新的作用。它出示丰富多彩的涵数,促使在程式设计层面拥有 更强的資源。现阶段PHP的最新版为4.1.1 ,它能够 在Win32及其UNIX/Linux等基本上全部的服务平台上优良工作中。PHP在4.0版后应用了全新升级的Zend模块,其在最佳化以后的高效率,较为传统式 CGI 或是 ASP 等技术性拥有更强的主要表现。
PHP is completely open source code, in the Open Source consciousness today, it is the mainstay of this. Continue to have new functions added, and constantly updated, make PHP in either UNIX or Win32 platform can have more new features. It provides a wealth of function, the program design has a better resource. At present the latest version of PHP 4.1.1, it can be in the Win32 and UNIX/Linux almost all the good work platform. PHP in the 4 edition after the use of a new Zend engine, the optimum after efficiency, compared with the conventional CGI or ASP technology have made a better performance.

服务平台不相干性是PHP的较大优势,可是在优势的身后,還是有一些小小缺陷的。假如在PHP中不应用ODBC,而用其内置的数据库查询涵数(那样的高效率要比应用ODBC高)来数据库连接得话, 应用不一样的数据库查询,PHP的涵数名不可以统一。那样,促使程序流程的移殖越来越一些不便。但是,做为现阶段运用更为普遍的一种后台管理語言,PHP的优势還是出现异常显著的。
The independence of the platform is PHP 's biggest advantage, but in their merits, have small faults. If the PHP does not use ODBC, but with its own database functions ( such efficiency than it is to use the ODBC high ) to connect to the database, the use of different database, PHP function name can not be unified. This makes the transplant procedure, get some trouble. However, as the most widely used as a background language, the advantages of PHP or obvious.
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