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2012-08-08 酷站科技
Shang pin SEO to remind you that the website design is a long-term slow investment process, we need to perserve input manpower material resources, of course, we also hope that our investment can pay off. But if in the construction site into error will not only make our pay a boondoggle, but also will affect the effect of network marketing website. Therefore, in setting up web sites must avoid into error, lest wreck a our energy.

The construction of the website of common mistakes are:

1,泛滥成灾的网页广告和网页广告 ,自然网址的广告宣传能够 让网址受众群体快速掌握网址全新的优惠促销,许多网址受众群体都是会由于一些广告宣传信息内容而促使消費,因此许多新手站长为了更好地可以快速开启商品销售市场,在网址上推广很多广告宣传,可是网址受众群体进入网站是为了更好地掌握网址的內容,获得自身必须的信息内容,假如过多的广告宣传让受众群体没法一切正常的感受网址的內容,受众群体会迅速舍弃对网址的客户体验(UEO),网址也因而失去很多的网址受众群体和潜在用户,因此在网址上广告投放沒有错,可是不必过多过滥,尤其是防止网页广告的出現。
The flood of web ads and play the window advertising, of course, advertisements can make a web site audience understand latest promotion quickly website information, a lot of audience will because some advertising website information to consumption, so many new adsense in order to be able to quickly opened products sold, on the web site on the large advertising, but the audience into the website is the web site in order to understand the content of the website, get the information they need, if too many ads get the audience can't normal experience the content on the website and the audience will soon give up on the website of the user experience (UEO), the website has lost a lot of web audience and potential customers and so on the web site on the advertising not wrong, but don't do too much too overcharging, especially to avoid the appearance of the window advertising.

2,很多收集信息网络不用改动的立即应用 ,如今企业官网间彻底不用改动的相互之间转截传抄信息网络早已变成一种习惯性。尽管那样做很不太好,可是网站站长们每日有很多的工作中必须解决,彻底原創得话一天数最多也就那麼的2~3篇罢了,压根就没法考虑网址的必须,并且网站站长们都没有那么多的時间和活力去进行这种原創,可是对这种收集来和转截来的信息内容,不必不用装饰的用来就用不是行得通的,大家必须一定的改动和再写作,那样做的实际效果和原創的实际效果是一样的。
Harvesting the network information without modification of direct use, now enterprise web site without modification of completely between each other ChuanChao reprinted network information has become a habit. Though it's bad, but every day, the webmaster has plenty of work to deal with, completely original words a day only so few article just, simply can't meet the needs of the website, and the webmaster is not that much time and energy to complete these original, but to the gathering and reproduced to information, don't inornate brought on by is not to be done, we need to make some amendments and created again, such doing effect and original effect is the same.

3,不稳定的网址框架剪力墙和非常容易的关键字 ,它是全部新手站长们都是会犯的不正确,并且是十分比较严重的不正确,过多经常的改动网址,非常容易造成 网址遭受百度搜索引擎的处罚,轻则网址不升级不百度收录,重则网址还会继续被百度搜索拨毛K掉。因此,网址不在防碍客户浏览网址,而且又不容易对各大搜索百度搜索引擎导致哪些危害得话,网站站长们最好是不必随意修改,就算是要修改还要等着你的网址做到一定权重值的情况下才可以改动,并且改动的力度与频次都不可以过度经常。
Unstable website frame structure and become key words, this is all new adsense they'll make mistakes, but also is very serious mistakes, excessive frequent modification site, it is easy to cause by the punishment of the search engine website, light is the site doesn't update not included, heavy then website will be baidu pull hair K off. So, the website does not interfere with users access to web sites, and also not to each big search search engines cause what effect of words, the stationmaster had better not at random changes, even want to change the and it's up to you to a certain weight of the website that can change, and change the range of The Times and could not too often.

The above is summarized some of the shang pin SEO website construction error, website construction is a need to implement the website of lifelong process, we can't jump the gun. We want to get the effect of the design must be required to every piece of work.
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