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2012-08-02 酷站科技
UEO,user experience Optimization的缩写,中文名称为客户体验优化。百度百科中的表述是,应对客户方面的网站内容性优化,秉着为浏览量服务项目的标准,改进网址作用、实际操作、视觉效果等网址因素,进而得到浏览量的亲睐,根据UEO来提升总流量转化率。表述的很清晰,便是将网站设计的让赶到网址的客户觉得到亲近,舒适。进而提高客户再次访问网址、网站购买商品的兴趣爱好。
UEO, user experience Optimization the abbreviations, Chinese name is called user experience Optimization. The encyclopedia explanation is, in the face of the user level website content optimization, in line with the principle of service for visitors, improve the site function, operation, vision website elements, to get the favour of visitors, through the UEO to improve conversion rates flow. Clear the site of the design is to let the user feel kind of came to website, comfortable. So as to enhance the user to continue browsing website, buy your product of interest.

To improve the effect of conversion website.

UEO (user experience optimization) = PV (click on the quantity) / OR (site jump out rate)

SEO,Search Engine Optimization,中文名称为百度搜索引擎优化。愈来愈多的人刚开始了解SEO,掌握SEO。SEO如今也刚开始朝着客户体验的方位发展趋势。
SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Chinese name is called Search Engine Optimization. More and more people begin to know SEO, understand SEO. SEO now also started toward the direction of the user experience.

网址将来的发展趋向,是UEO融合SEO。仅仅SEO或是仅仅UEO,也只是可以考虑网址长久发展趋势的一方面罢了。百度搜索引擎优化做的好,那在百度搜索引擎中的排行就行,从百度搜索引擎中的总流量就高。可是排行再好,网站速度不行,网页页面做的废弃物,客户一看就头疼,那类网页页面,坚信有再好的总流量都没有太高的网址转化率。而UEO做的再多,客户来一个吸引住一个,网页页面做的让客户觉得十分舒适,可是SEO沒有搞好,百度搜索引擎中找不着你的网址,网页页面做的再多,也来不上客户,最后造成 网站访问量不高,收益不高。
The future development trends of the web site, is UEO combined with SEO. Just SEO or just UEO, also can only meet the long-term development of it on the website. Search engine optimization do good, that the search engine rankings, from the search engine to traffic and high. But rankings again good, the website not to force the speed, web page do garbage, users a see headache, that page, believe there is again good flow also not too much of the website conversion rates. And UEO do no good, the user to a attract a, page do let users feel very comfortable, but SEO is not ready, the search engine can't find your site, page do again good, also not to users, which eventually led to the website traffic is not high, the income is not high.

UEO influence website the four factors:

网站速度。这一点不容置疑,不仅UEO,网站速度危害网址的各个方面。原本客户要想进网址看一下的,但是等了一分钟都无法打开网址,那显而易见結果了。针对网站速度,除开自身在购买服务器的情况下留意一点外,在网站设计的情况下还要留意,尽量减少或降低网页页面中的Flash、JS这些。文字排版。这一点也许很多人也没有太过关心过,可是好的文字排版,的确令人觉得有一种质感,能够 防止见到废话连篇令人头昏。
Web site speed. This no doubt, not only UEO, website speed influence all aspects of the web site. Originally into a web users want to look at, but wait a minute can't open web site, the results can be imagined. For the website speed, in addition to their own space in the purchase of little attention outside, in the design of the website to pay attention to, to avoid or reduce the Flash, JS page, and so on. The article typesetting. It maybe a lot of people are not too much attention, but good article typesetting, indeed, let a person feel a kind of administrative levels feeling, can avoid seeing long let a person feel dizzy.

Web links to death. Any time, the death of the website links to handle in time.

Updated content, maintenance. Content is the core of a web site, only by constantly updated, maintenance of the website, enrich the content of the website, can make a web site of continuous progress, continuous development.

So, the website will toward the development of comprehensive UEO and SEO direction.

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