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2012-07-30 酷站科技
1. 提前准备內容(Ready to content)

In the registered before the first web site should collect at least "one hundred" of the content, the content must be valuable, do not violate copyright content.

2. 网站地址(site)

Think of a more meaningful, good record the address (oh, well, Chinese website is not need to put the key word in the site, this one we can ignore).

3. 网站设计(Web design)

对百度搜索引擎而言,她们看不见网址里的flash、java applet和javascript,也看不见你图档里写的字,因此在网站设计上,要是尽可能简约有益,让內容能够 好好地的展现,便是一个取得成功的seo网页页面。此外呢,网页页面要尽可能合乎w3c的规范,假如不想作网页页面,能够 参照这儿,有出示一些完全免费的网页页面样本,基本上全是cc受权,因此能够 随意的应用,她们的网页页面全是合乎w3c规范的。
To the search engine for, they can't see website flash, Java applet and javascript, also can't see you in the image file written word, so in the web design, as long as good as far as possible concise, let content can be a good show, is a successful seo web page. In addition, it will try to conform to the w3c web standard, if too lazy to make web pages, reference may be here, offer some free web page templates, is almost a cc license, so can free use, their web site is accord with the w3c standards.

4. 每张档案资料尺寸(Each page file size)

提议每一个网页页面尽可能在15k下列,假如能缩减到12k,乃至10k那么就更强,可是不可以在8k下列。实际上大家都了解,百度搜索引擎最佳化的目地,事实上是为了更好地使用人,而不是为了更好地百度搜索引擎自身(这一我过几天补上一篇文章详细介绍)。   但是这一项究竟是否确实,因为我不晓得,以前有老人告诉我,在中国台湾Yahoo,网页页面尺寸越大越好..这尚需试验证实。
Suggest each page in the following 15 k as far as possible, if can be reduced to 12 k, even 10 k that is better, but not in the 5 k. Actually, we all know, search engine optimization goal, in fact is for users, not for search engine itself (this I fill again in a few days, an article introduces). But this a true or not, I don't know, once said to me that the elder, in Taiwan Yahoo, web page size bigger is better... The experiment proved to be.

5. 內容(content)

每日创建一个500~1000字的网页页面,自然这一网页页面里边务必包括你关键的关键词,假如搞不懂关键词来得话,能够 应用Yahoo的关键词提议专用工具
Every day to build a 500 ~ 1000 words web page, of course, the web page you must include the important in key words, if can't figure out the key word, you can use the keyword suggestion tool Yahoo

6. 关键字密度及其关键词置放部位
Keyword density and key word placed position

Take out your key words, in the following six places each use a:
* 题目(title)
* meta标识(Meta tags)
* 网站地址里边(行吧,简体中文关键词没法做到)Web site inside (well, Chinese key words can't do)  
* 粗字体关键词 (便是写成你的关键词,随后把他字体加粗) The bold keywords (is your key word write, and then he bold)   
* 斜体字关键词 (便是写成你的关键词,随后把他斜体字)Italics key word (is your key word write, and then he italics)  
* 网页页面上部 (网页页面较为前边的地区,我是提议用个题目,好像h1)Page of on half (web page content is in front of the place, and I was with a title, such as advice h1)
In addition, English words, the clause to unobstructed, spelling must be correct, although the search engine itself will help you to correct...

7. 外链(External links)

每一个內容网页页面都应当连接一、二个该关键词的「知名大站」(不是我对于无名小站= =),要留意的是连接的方法,要先写成你的关键词,再将这一关键词立即连接到该站口。
From every page, link to one or two of the key words of "famous big station" (I not at the unknown station = =), want to notice is that the links, to first write your key words, then the key word direct link to the platform.

8. 内链(Internal links)

你的网址里边很有可能有很多类的內容,请明确类似內容相互之间连接,而不一样类內容千万别相互之间连接。比如讲食品类的网页页面请连接到讲新鲜水果的网页页面那样。   为何要那样作呢?类似內容的内链能够 让google的pagerank在你的网页页面里相互之间传送,假如你只对某些网页页面作最佳化,有可能会产生的状况是,网址里仅有为数不多网页页面的排行能够 向前,可是若是搞好内链得话,能够 让每一个网页页面的排行都向前。你要想五十个网页页面每日都能够产生一位浏览量,還是只有一个网页页面,每日产生五十位浏览量呢?前面一种有机会能够 勤奋,后面一种要再提升应当有其程度才对。
Your site may have a lot of class in content, please make sure the similar content links to each other, and not the same content don't link to each other. For example about food p age please link to speak of fruit this page. Why do you want to be? The content of the same internal links can let Google's pagerank in your web site pass each other, if you only to individual page for optimization, might be what happens is, website only a few pages of the rankings can forward; but if do internal links, you can let each page on the table. You want to fifty pages every day can bring a visitor, or is it just a web page, every day brings the 50 visitors? The former still have a chance to, the latter will increase should have its limits to.

9. 网址发布(Website online)

最好是不能用云虚拟主机,倘若能有自身的托管服务器或是是固定不动ip位置就最好是了。若是租赁云虚拟主机生产商的云虚拟主机计划方案,你很有可能碰到的便是一台服务器里边放了几万个网址,虽然Yahoo和Google声称,她们看待云虚拟主机一视同仁,可是我还是担忧要她们刚开始把同一主机ip总数添加排名公式的那一天确定网址的每一页都能够被百度搜索引擎数据库索引进来,网址里的连接要搞好。此外呢,在网址还不能叫作是个「好的网站」的情况下,不必让网址发布,若是随意给你的烂网址进到百度搜索引擎,而且挨打了分低以后,我觉得,要让成绩升高好像就并不是那么非常容易了。接著,把自己添加到odp(open directory project),这是一个大伙儿能够 手动式添加的目录索引,那样最少你的网址早已在一个数据库索引里边了,接著,若是富有得话,能够 应用Yahoo的百度搜索引擎迅速付钱登陆,这能够 给你的网址在七天内进到Yahoo!奇摩的数据库索引里,若是没有钱得话也没事儿,慢慢的来依然会被Yahoo登陆进来的。
Had better not use virtual host, if can have their own hosting mainframe or is fixed IP location you is better. If the web host manufacturers of hosting solution, you can meet is a host is put inside the tens of thousands of web sites, although Yahoo and Google announced that they treat virtual host alike, but I still have to worry about the same they began to host's IP number to join the day website ranking formula confirmation of each page can be search engine index in, the link in the website must do it well. In addition, it also do not say to go up in the web site is a "very good website", don't let website online, if it is literally let your lousy website access to search engines, and be played after low grade, I think, want to let scores up is not so easy to seem to....... Then, to add to the odp (open directory project), this is a you can manually add directory index, so at least your website has an index in the inside, then, if rich, you can use Yahoo search engine for rapid login, this can let you website in seven days into the Yahoo! 's index, if not the word of money, it doesn't matter, the slow and still be Yahoo login to in.

10. 提交百度搜索引擎及其目录索引(To search engines and directories index)

Put your website login to Google, Yahoo! 's and MSN, then, let alone. Don't forget, the purpose of this article is to establish a successful website, process is a year, so the website to login, please be patient for six months. (the worst cases, sure, but generally speaking, the new web site late three to five weeks into the index inside)

11.网络推广(Website promotion)

No doubt any a want to profit site could avoid paying promotion services, promoting the main is competitive ranking. The domestic first baidu, nobody undeniable baidu strong flow, Google although worldwide's boss, but baidu in China of flow is Google's 4-10 times. Don't click on the no fee is competitive ranking will be baidu to wealth to the top, can't denial also have a large enterprise through competitive ranking no gains bring! Website promotion in the site is the most important step after!

12 记录与跟踪(Records and tracking)

申请办理一个非常好的网页计数器(如今这个时候得话,自然是强烈推荐应用Google Analytics,终究繁体版內容早已能够 应用Google AFC了;自然cnzz站长统计也是一个非常好的挑选。)
Apply for a good web counter (at this time, of course, is recommended Google Analytics, after all the traditional Chinese content has can use Google AFC; of course CNZZ adsense statistics also is a good choice.)

Website design including the front desk users and the design of visual experien ce background program function design, two aspects are important; The visual design for customer's reading a pleasant and trust, pay attention to the convenience of operation background did;
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