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2012-07-29 酷站科技
网站建设当仁不让就是界面设计。许多公司在网站建设全过程上都偏爱FLASH展现页,包含如今都是有许多网站建设都拥有 那样的网页页面,并且是主页,尤其是一些企业官网。
Website construction is the brunt page design. A lot of enterprise in the website construction process are love FLASH show page, including now have many website construction has this page, and it is the home page, especially some enterprise web site.

那麼为什么会产生这类状况,也就是说是现象展现呢?这要归结为于当初的一种网络流行语个人行为,由于flash技术性不久盛行,一个首页拥有 一个美观大方的flash网页页面能够 吸引住大量的目光,而且多多少少的反映出这一网站的制作品质与水准,提升网址的总体品牌形象,也正是如此,当初很多在网站建设合同书中会出現一条:"包括一个flash品牌形象网页页面”。而到现如今,这类状况早已被渐渐地摆脱也就是说早已摆脱,首页的flash品牌形象网页页面将被慢慢淘汰,为何这样说?请听诺惠盛高新科技渐渐地道来。
So how can this happen, or was it a present representation? It attributed to that year of a network pop act, because flash technology just started, a home page has a beautiful flash page can attract more attention, and more or less reflect the construction of this site quality and level, and improve the whole image of the website, and because of this, when many in the website construction contract will be a: "contains a flash image page". And now, this kind of phenomenon has been slowly break or has already broken, your home page flash image page will be be washed out gradually, why do you say that? Please listen to HuiCheng's science and technology slowly the ways.

Many of the network video has let flash page does not have a strong impact

事实上前两年的主页flash品牌形象网页页面如果下够了时间得话,依然会给访问者会留有一个很好的印像,为何?由于前段时间的网上视频技术性与服务器带宽還是十分比较有限的,.swf文件的精巧变成了“视頻”的规范,再加上精致的勾勒,依然会令人看见很舒适,乃至会给浏览量有一种眷念感,因此想当初,一个好的flash网页页面给大家的内心撞击力仍是非常大的,这是为什么会拥有 “一个flash品牌形象页”的网站建设合同文本的关键原因。
The actual come forward to a few years of the home page flash image page if sufficient kung fu word, still can give your visitors will leave a good impression, why? Because the network video over the technology and network bandwidth is very limited,. The SWF file cabinet become the "video" standards, plus elegant render, still can let a person look at ease, even give visitors a a love feeling, so think that year, a good flash page to people's heart is still a lot of impact, this is why would have "a flash image page" website construction is an important reason for the terms of the contract.

但是来到二0一二年,多元化的视频压缩技术性,及其服务器带宽的晋升,.swf的flash文件以前并沒有它当初的优点,现如今大伙儿能够 轻轻松松的在各种视频平台上见到自己想的视頻,而且是那麼的惟妙惟肖,因此flash网页页面给大伙儿的撞击力也就付之东流了。
But go to 2012, the diversity of video compression technology, and the networks of promotion,. The flash SWF file has and without it the advantage of that year, now you can easily in all kinds of video website that oneself want to the video, and is so preached, so flash page to everyone of impact also it disappears.

Flash image page are not used to this life to the development of the network requirements

The modern network is more exquisite, convenient and practical, including SEO industry, the launch of the home page of the flash more improper use these, in a user experience degrees point, a click won't attract more customers, but let users click on the required content becomes more trouble.

From SEO optimization point, flash image page can't show the content of the web site, also can't finish work on the homepage of SEO page updated snapshot, so HuiCheng's science and technology development Co., LTD. Think, before some year the homepage of flash image page has not satisfied with the modern network in supplication, it will be thrown into the history of the long river in go to before.
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