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2012-07-23 酷站科技
 第一:网址反向链接总数(Website trans quantity)

网站建设的反向链接总数在大家互换友链时是以百度搜索的Domain值主导,Domain值超出1000之上的能够 做为基本清除新网站的要素,这里也有一点便是Domain值越高,能够 体现出网址的宣传策划幅度多强,但要确立区别是不是借助群-发手机软件而打造出的废弃物反向链接。
The number of website chain in our exchange links in the Domain value when baidu is given priority to, Domain 1000 or more value out of new sites can be used as a primary factors, this thing is that the Domain and the higher the value, can reflect website promotion efforts have much stronger, but to a clear distinction depends on whether the group-hair and to make a junk the software chain.

第二:百度收录总数(Website included number)

当互换友链的情况下,一定要先查询另一方的百度收录量,假如网址的百度收录量超出1000之上得话,并且內容品质易读性高,那麼能够 做为分析判断该网站创立時间较长的要素。
When exchange links, be sure to check the website of the other side included quantity, if your site is more than more than 1000 collected words, and content high quality readability, then can be used as a preliminary judgment the site started long factors.

第三:网站快照(Website snapshot)

快照更新能够 充足的体现出网址的权重,要是快照更新第二天的网址,都具备一定的权重,不论是內容、外部链接、构造都获得了百度搜索引擎的验证,因此互换友链的情况下一定要找寻网页快照第二天的,由于如果你与快照更新第二天的互换后,迅速便会被百度搜索引擎百度收录,进而获得另一方传送的权重。
The snapshot may the full reflects the weight value of the site, as long as the website snapshot, all have certain of weights, whether content, the chain, structure have been search engine of authentication, so can exchange links must be looking for the snapshot of the next day baidu, because when you and the next day after the snapshot exchange, will soon be websites, and get communicated weights.

第四:网址当天百度收录(Site collected on the day of the)

查询网址当天的百度收录总数能够 掌握另一方网址的升级幅度与內容品质,尽管网址的內容被百度收录了,可是時间久了之后因內容品质不太高而被百度搜索引擎删掉,但删掉之后又会被百度收录,这就是为何许多网址每日只升级一两篇文章内容,但网址的当天百度收录量一直在好几百上下,而去查询这种当天百度收录的文章内容全是很早以前以前公布的。 
Check the website that day number included can get to know each other web site update strength and quality of content, although the content on the website are included, but time is long after the contents will not be high quality and search engine deleted, but will be collected and delete later, this is why a lot of websites every day just update a two article, but on the same day of the website is always included in several hundred or so, and to look at the collection of articles on long before release.

第五:PR值(PR value)

Link exchange before the time, is all the PR value in accordance with Google level to exchange, but now Google the PR value has not seem so important, many webmaster almost all ignore Google the PR value, but PR is what is important, even you yourself to measure webmaster.

第六:友链总数(Link number)

Many web site is very exaggeration, the friendship can link exchange to hundreds, and such a web site can exchange all bad, absolutely no good, so ladies webmaster can exchange links must be looking for the number when in 20 of the within, so that it can assigned to certain weights.

第七:搜索引擎排名状况(Website rank of)

搜索引擎排名状况也可以充足的反映出网址的权重,许多時间能够 觉得搜索引擎排名靠前的,不论是內容品质、外部链接品质全是较为有品质的,最少百度搜索引擎是那么觉得,才会给予搜索引擎排名的机遇,因此这一点能够 做为参-考要素。
Web rank of also can fully reflect the value of the weight of website, a lot of time to think the top web site, whether content quality, the quality of the chain is the more quality, at least a search engine is think so, will give website ranking opportunity, so it can be used as a "exam factors.
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