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2012-07-23 酷站科技
许多Seoer写的计划方案,仅有牵涉到一些针对网站制作的剖析确诊、网址的改善及其关键字的优化对策,非常少会出现中后期的维护保养这方面,在我们关键字优化上来了,许多Seoer就刚开始释放压力了对网址的管理方法,每日最关心的并不是內容和和外部链接的基本建设,只是关键字的排行,看关键字排名是不是还依然维持好的排行,当排行仍在,便会放松警惕,当排行没有才会从头开始去优化。实际上它是一种十分不适当的优化对策,针对关键字优化的中后期维护保养本人感觉应当遵照先平稳后拓展的标准,实际能够 分成下列三种构思:
Many Seoer write solution, only involved some for the analysis of the web site of the website, and improve the diagnosis of keywords optimization strategy, and rarely have later maintenance this, when we keywords optimization is up, many Seoer began to relax for the management of the website, and the most concern was not every day with the chain of content and construction, but keywords ranking, see keywords ranking is also still keep good ranking, when ranking also in, will relax vigilance, when ranking is not will only start to optimization. In fact this is a very inappropriate optimization strategy, for the optimization of the key words later period maintenance men feel should follow the principle of first extended after stability, concrete can be divided into the following three ideas:

Continue to own seo programs to ensure keywords ranking

When keywords ranking is up, do not think that our optimization think it's over, actually optimization is a do not over of the process, when keywords ranking up, we should first thought is, how to stabilize it, and make it in the industry to keep ranking good optimization, can't easily be put rivals, therefore, we in the optimization scheme must involves keywords later maintenance tasks, specialized arrangements for the editor and the chain commissioner, continue to update the content of the website, the chain also have the synchronization carry on, the goal is to maintain the live keywords ranking.

Consolidate rank so that more long tail produce ranking

当今一批关键字优化上来后,大家除开要平稳住它的排行,还能够找寻新的关键字开展有益的合理布局,有效的优化,自然,从后台管理总流量数据信息中能够 见到,许多关键字全是一些没有用的关键字,即便客户进去也是不可以造成经济效益的词,这种词我们可以置若罔闻,在我们见到一些转换率高并且有资询量得词,当排行还不够好时,我们可以对于这一关键字开展关键优化,进而让它排在一个更强的部位,造成更大的经济效益,关键字这方面除开自身发掘优化外,还能够对于后台数据总流量的关键字帅挑选出一些有益的词,开展优化,随后再逐渐去推进它。
The current a number of key words optimization up, we live in addition to its stable rankings, but also seek new keywords are favorable layout, reasonable optimization, and, of course, from the background traffic data, it can be found that in many key words are of no use keywords, even if the user is not in benefits word, the word we can turn a blind eye, when we see some high conversion and consulting quantity to word, when ranking also is not good enough, we can for the key words for the optimization, which make it in to a better position, produce greater efficiency, keywords this other than your own mining optimization outside, still can be in the background data flow of the selected keyword handsome several favorable word, optimization, and then gradually to consolidate it.

Data analysis constantly excavate keywords

Key mining in the optimization process is a continuous a process, unless the customer requirements we give him the provisions of the optimization several key words, or we should continuously to search, and let your own web site to produce a long tail keywords ranking, now found that many friends blind update article, did not consider this article can bring benefit, not for more long tail key words to make the article, so that it cannot produce effective keywords ranking, for the website later keywords the piece, you do data analysis this, some key words of high conversion mining, thus to bring more can produce order keywords.

From three sides at 3 o 'clock we can see, keywords optimization up not relax, actually, optimization is up, the new round of task and was about to begin, and found that the workload of the late also more and more, in addition to the existing rankings keywords maintenance outside, still have to optimize some new keywords, this is why when a website after big need more and more people to maintain, when a site just began to, perhaps is a person fight alone, of course, with other factors, such as experience, ability, capital, etc have contact. Good for key words later for everyone to maintain analysis on this side.
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