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2012-07-22 酷站科技
Website construction in addition to meet the mall shoppers demand outside, still can help develop business channel businessman mall. So a lot of businessmen who choose to increase their website construction mall product sales. Focus on science and technology for everybody below network do a mall website construction plan for everybody to understand the commercial city website construction process.

一、商城系统网站建设总体目标(Mall site construction goal)

Through to the online mall of the construction, establishment of use the Internet to exploit information channel, help enterprise timely adjustment of product structure, and to help dealers open source of goods information gateway information circulation become solve clogged effective schemes. Through the modern electronic business ideas to help enterprise change its operating mechanism, and the establishment of a modern enterprise system, improve the management level of enterprises and market competitiveness. Main show is as follows:

1, for clients to provide free product required the choose and buy of the service function;

2, timely supplements and increase the quality and function of the latest product act

3. For the customer provide products and services of information exchange;

4. Expand the market promotion, and enhance the brand image;

二、商城系统网站建设需求分析报告(Mall website construction demand analysis)

Service web portal as an industry authority web portal, pioneering B2B and B2C of perfect combination of industry portal precedent. With unique industry resources and industry authority of creating a global service industry e-commerce trade platform. Function design follow applicable, practical, human nature for the principle. The so called the application, it is to point to not in this stage function of the realization of the not to consider; The so-called practical, it is to point to simple, not consider fancy and no practical significance and function of the things. Human nature, it is to point to by the Internet browsing habits and consumption habits to distribution site content of the show and the function of the development.

三、网上商城系统网站建设整体规划(Online mall website construction planning)

According to the entity mall and electronic business characteristics, the service concept, service content, form different, planning and construction of different web page expressing, in design and creative enterprise reflects both the service characteristics, and the direction of both the industry development. It will not only tailored, and eclectic.

1.设计理念(Design style )
On the website platform affiliated companies CI system as the foundation, visitors with different reading habits for standard;

Website attributes: ChuiZhiXing site;

Multi-language website will according to the different language of visitors browsing habits to design. For example, Chinese web pages, as Chinese browsing habits design, English is English countries according to your visitors page of the habit to carry on the design.

2 .页面艺术创意(Interface creative)
Establish UI standard:

Web page design, system CI style;

The icon of the standard style design, the composition of a unified layout, unified color, contrast, levels;

Picture style;

Navigation/structure design;

Tip information, help documents written expression of the principle of development follow.

3.网站架设流程(Website designing steps)

(1)建设网站品牌形象(Building a website image)
According to online mall developer web site development way in the strategic plan of the website plan and planning, in order to achieve a good run, realize the target site erection.

(2)网址信息内容合理布局(Website information layout)
Online mall the main body of the website information structure and layout, it is the overall framework of the web site, all of the content of the information will be on the basis of for layout, clear layout make them can quickly get necessary information.

(3)网页页面制做优秀关键技术(Web page making advanced technology application)
This is a successful website are indispensable important parts. The content of the site must be vivid and lively, the integral style of the website creative design, can attract visitors to stay, we use now Internet's most popular CSS, FLASH, Javascript technology website of the static and dynamic page design. Pursue form Jane's day, practical meet industry line of customers browsing habits, outstanding functionality and practicality.

四、商城系统网站建设步骤(Mall website construction process)

(一)网站域名:申请注册一些国际域名。(Domain name registration some international domain name.)

Tip: enterprise/institutions need to pay attention to domain name aspects of intellectual property rights, and the following kinds of domain name suggest protective registration.

1、英文域名:com/.net/.org/..gov.cn/ cn/.com.cn/.net.cn/.org.cn等。
2、中文域名:.我国/.企业/.互联网/简体中文.com/简体中文.net 等


The website system division: the website system is divided into two parts, one is the web site front desk system; 2 it is background management system. Corresponding user of two, one is external users, namely web site visitors; 2 it is the website system administrator and awarded the personnel management authority.

(四) 网址版本号(Website version):
For simplified Chinese language website, if the customer need could also add other language versions.

(五) 设计理念(Design style):
On the website platform affiliated companies CI system as the basis, different visitors browsing habits as standard. Colour, style, generous, concise; Website attributes: electronic commerce type website.

(六) 硬件配置系统软件(Hardware system):
By enterprises themselves hosting servers or renting servers, web host, or we provide online mall stand server hosting service, server rents service, virtual hosting service.

(七) 人力资源管理配置:
Two aspects of the main analysis of human resources: 1. The website syste m management; 2. The website information management;

Web development professional technical team responsible for, so no web development personnel system, only their own internal staff through simple training in a web site for a commodity information release, information such as updating of the information web site updated.

五、商城系统网站建设系统软件架构(Mall website construction system frame)

主页频道栏目系统软件(Home channel system)

 The unique website channel classification management, has the flexible, simple, personalized characteristic.

1、随意频道栏目归类,无尽拓展子归类以及有关特性设定,可掩藏、访问权限、 大批量管理方法等;
 1, any channel classification, expanding the son classification and related attribute to set, can conceal, restrict access, batch management, etc.;

2, channel style from the definition, free to change the page style, realize the different industry application needs;

3, each channel can be complete function to reflect, according to the need can be flexible choice industry, product exhibition, dynamic supply and demand information, price inquires the content such as, market information; embody

新闻资讯智能管理系统(Information management system)

Information management system perfect function, thoughtful and pay attention to the details of the embodiment.

1, fully support the mass information release and management, classification and batch additions add information synchronization, mobile, simplify complicated information management work;

2, according to different industry application needs, can be defined modification, expand information related attributes, reflect the information content of professional;

Three, can be used in the policy and regulations, market trends, industry analysis, etc. Various kinds of classification of information release related channel;

4, information classification no limit, and to build more information project, thus strengthening the website collect information ability;

5, no background operation, the real synchronous static page generation, have a highly efficient and browsing mechanism and response speed.

公司信息库系统软件(Enterprise database system)

To consider many industry enterprise actual requirement, can with the need to strain.

1, for enterprise classification and industry characteristics definition content without any restrictions;

 2, support enterprise video show, support the enterprise introduces both pictures and texts;

3, any enterprises can apply to the front desk in site, the background audit and statistics and batch management;

4, through the flexible group members set, can achieve more level enterprise member system, reflect different scale of customer service;

5、依据网络运营必须,可完成公司TOP 排名、大牌明星公司、强烈推荐公司、领域大型企业等多种多样公司推广服务方法;
5, according to the website operation needs, can realize enterprise TOP ranking, star enterprise, enterprise, industry well-known enterprise recommended and so on many kinds of enterprise promotion service way;

6、可以以企业名字、行业类别、所属地域、公司法人等单一特点开展查找查寻, 能够 多种多样方法混和查寻。
6, be able to name of the enterprise, classification, the industry area, the characteristics of the enterprise as a legal p erson and other single search, can a variety of mixed inquires way.

商品信息管理系统(Product information system)

Diversified product forms, the biggest may represent different industry product features.

1、好似频道栏目管理方法一样,商品 能完成随意归类的设定和管理方法;
1, as channel management, the product can realize any classification setup and management;

2, the product can be issued the content using the known all multimedia effect to the implementation;

Three, to supply the needs of different industries, the content of the product attributes, flexible and modify and expand;

4、适用商品优 排列、受欢迎排列、类型排列、升级排列等诸多方式反映;
4, support products, sort and hot, sort and optimal category, such as sorting order update many form reflect;

5, according to the classification, price, support and industry product name and other custom features the search query classification.

供需信息管理系统(Supply and demand information system)

Not only is a isolated system, and many other functions of the organic combination of the practical application of the more thoughtful.

1, combined with user group management, realize the diversity, more members of the level supply and demand information delivery privileges;

2 the seller and the buyer's information, information, enterprise information, personal information, classification form by you decide;

3, free information, pay information flexible setup, which can realize the membership pay, click access to pay income and so on the many kinds of ways;

4、适用供应信息的优 排列、受欢迎排列、升级排列、归类排列等多种多样排列方法;
4, support the optimal supply and demand information, sort and popular sort, update, sort and classification of sorting sort order;

5, information content not, graphic, animation, video and all can realize;

6, a variety of online communication, in the station messaging, voice mail system, the place of detail for customers think everywhere.

招商信息网信息发布系统(Investment promotion information release system)

 1, investment promotion information including investment promotion, enterprise cooperation, joint to join, and many other classification need, to modify, setting, expand;

2, and enterprise database, product information system, and the supply and demand information system, and so on, for enterprise provide a full range of professional level information services;

 3 multimedia video online exhibition, support for the transmission of incisively and vividly characteristics and advantages of enterprise products that make possible;

4、企业会员中间能够 根据沟通交流系统软件开展短消息、电子邮件的沟通交流,完成进一步的掌握;
4, enterprise between members can exchange system through text messages, E-mail communication, can realize further the understanding;

5, support form kinds of classification inquires the, such as investment promotion project name, place of classification, the name of the enterprise, the release date, etc.

广告营销系统软件(Advertising system)

1、广告宣传內容能够 推广到网址随意频道、随意网页页面部位;
1, advertising content on the web site can be arbitrary columns, any page position;

2、广告宣传內容能够 以随意互联网媒体方法反映,彻底无拘无束;
2, the contents of the advertisements can in any way electronic media reflect, completely follow one's inclinations;

3、千姿百态的广告宣传方式,既可特定广告宣传內容, 能彻底任意显示信息;< br /> 3 and protean advertising model, which can be designated advertising content, can completely random display;

4、可以界定好几个广告宣传关键词,可以广告宣传优 排列,拓展广告运营方法;
 4, can define multiple advertising key words, can advertising optimal sort, expand advertising operation;

5, through the classification management of advertising, can choose different advertising website channel distinguish;

6 and elaborate advertising, advertising click browse and statistical data analysis.

数据信息信息发布系统(Data release system)

1, the system can have the option of open, or against part of type of members, or take a charge mode operation;

2, fully customizable classification management, such as single classified data, industry area, the annual data statistics and import and export data, etc;

 3, provide data access or download service, and has provided data content or address of the encryption, security, against the function such as copy;

4, support for multiple payment, net silver, pay treasure, traditional payment, etc.

优秀人才信息管理系统(Talent information system)

1, according to industry jobs or regional division traits such as classification management, has special industry need to modify and expand the set related attributes;

2、公司招聘职位能完成优先选择公布、信息内容优 排行和招骋企业推荐等作用;
2, the enterprise recruitment information can realize priority issue, information optimal rankings and recruitment firms and recommend function;

3、公布个人求职信息时要完成与WORD 类似的线上文图编作用;
3, release information on job can realize when with WORD of similar in WenBian chart function;

4, text messaging, voice mail, E-mail and so on many kinds of communication provides the choice, realize the interaction of recruitment.

vip会员智能管理系统(Member management system)

1, member management system is the web site provides online registration, membership information management system.

2、系统管理员能够 统计分析、查询vip会员的信息内容,更强的运用会员资料資源开展互联网联系应用。
2, the site administrators can statistics, check member of the information, make better use of the information resources network members contact use.

论坛社区系统软件(Community BBS system)

1, BBS system service is a kind of very common Internet sites of mutual communication services.

2、社区论坛能够 向网民出示开放式的归类专题研讨区服务项目,网民们能够 在这里发布自身的一些感观、沟通交流一些技术性、工作经验甚至人生道路...
2, BBS can wrote to the classification of the project provides open discussion service, users can post their own some impressions, communication technology, experience and even some life...

3、能够 提升浏览量互动交流。可以推动网址的访问量。
Three, can increase the visitors interaction. Can drive the website hits.

检索作用系统软件(Search function system)

1, can make our customers more convenient find your to find the commodity.

2, the search function in a certain degree of customers save time, effectively improve the efficiency

留言板留言作用(Message function)

Administrator in the background after the review showed the front desk, prevent bad information.

即时通信作用(Instant communication function)

要是在后台管理加上号,前台接待能够 显示信息QQ、MSN、电子邮箱等广讯通标志,点一下就可以线上通信。
As long as in the background, add number, front desk can display the QQ, MSN, E-mail and instant messaging icon, click away online communication.

站内查询网站(Stand inside query system)

作用叙述:访问者可随时随地输入关键词查寻自身要想的网站内部的一切基本信息,巨大的便捷了访问者对信息内容的访问, 大大的地提升了访问者对网址的黏度和深层。
Description: your visitors may at any time input key word inquires stand you want any of the relevant information, the great convenience to browse through the visitor information, greatly increase the viscosity of the site's visitors and depth.

友链系统软件(Link system)

Increase your richness, connecting some complementary website, will increase the user of the site's dependence.

为了更好地更强的宣传策划、扩张网址的名气,能够 与很多业界与业外的知名网站达成共识、彼此秉着相互合作的精神实质,在分别的网站上做交换友链。一定可以为彼此产生互利共赢的实际效果。
In order to better propaganda, expand the site's popularity, with many in the month and can reach an agreement, the famous site mutual cooperation spirit, in their respective site do link exchanges. Must be able to bring win-win for both sides of the effect.

(一)前台接待频道表明(Front desk columns that):
1.主页(Home page):
(1) 网址头顶部:登录与申请注册按键、设为首页、添加收藏按键、导航条、LOGO;
(1) website head: landing and registered button, set for home page, adding the collection button, navigation, LOGO;

(2) 最新上线的:目录显示信息的方法为题目加時间。
(2) the latest update: the way the list for title plus time.

(3) 系统软件公示:管理人员在后台管理公布的一些公告信息。
(3) system announcement: administrator in the background of the public announcement released some information.

(4) 图片列表区:公司商品图片或详细介绍企来的照片。
(4) image list area: the enterprise product pictures or introduce enterprises to pictures.

(5) 归类目录区:依照各种各样归类,以频道的方式开展显示信息全新的內容。
(5) classification list area: according to all kinds of classification, in the form of columns show the latest content.

2. 目录页(List page):

List page is by the following several parts:

a) 网址头顶部:与主页网址头顶部相近
A) website head: and the front page head similar website

b) 照片內容强烈推荐栏:列举此类照片中强烈推荐的照片及內容。
B) photos recommended column: lists the pictures are recommended in the pictures and contents.

c) 照片內容排名栏:列举该类型下的点击量排名前靠前的照片及內容。
C) photos ranking bar: the categories listed the top rate on the picture and content.

d) 照片內容目录区:列举了全部此类下的照片內容或是依照标准查寻到照片內容,而且能够 开展排列:包含按提交時间、按出厂日期、按强烈推荐级別、按访问数量等。每一个目录项都包含下列几类原素:內容照片、內容名字、內容类型、提交時间、强烈推荐级别、访问频次等。
D) photos list area: list all the photos of or in accordance with the conditions inquires photos to, and can order: including according to upload time, by production date, the recommended level, according to browse the total number, etc. Each list items including the following kinds of elements: content pictures, content name, content categories, upload time, recommended grades, browse the number, etc.

3. 內容页(Content page):

The content page by the following several parts:

(1) website head: and the front page head similar site;

(2) the picture content recommended column: lists the pictures are recommended in the pictures and contents;

(3) photos ranking bar: the categories listed the top rate on the pictures and contents before;

(4)照片內容目录区:列举了全部此类下的照片內容或是依照标准查寻到照片內容,而且能够 开展排列:包含按提交時间、按出厂日期、按强烈推荐级別、按访问数量等。每一个目录项都包含下列几类原素:內容照片、內容名字、內容类型、提交時间、强烈推荐级别、访问频次等;
(4) photos list area: list all the photos of or in accordance with the conditions inquires photos to, and can order: including according to upload time, by production date, the recommended level, according to browse the total number, etc. Each list items including the following kinds of elements: content pictures, content name, content categories, upload time, recommended grades, browse the number, etc.;

(二)管理后台(Background management)

1. The photo management: management of the images including add, delete, modify, pictures of the content mainly includes elements a re as follows:

(1) pictures name: the picture the name;

(2) the subordinate section: that is subordinate to the column classification, classified by "column management" dynamic generation;

(3) upload pictures: put the pictures to the web page;

(4) rights management: the hidden or display.

2.频道管理方法:一般是以设定照片或內容的类型作为频道,在这儿能够 开展频道的加上、删掉改动频道名、莱单的排列、类型排列、主页排列。
2. Columns management: the general is setting the picture or content of the class as a column, here on the column can add, delete, modify column name of the menu, sort and category, sort and home page order.

3. Static page management: generating static page columns, including closing static page web site function, static page, page updated list update static page, page content also updated static page.

4. Advertising management: web site distribution of advertising, advertising here add and modification.

5. User list: the user's various parameters Settings

6. System Settings: for the parameters of the system Settings, including the system name, whether to allow user registration, the user application if the need to review

7. QQ management: start and setting up the QQ online support panel.

8. The password change: the administrator password revision

9. Announcement management: the home page of the article that announcement.

10. Message management: message to reply, edit, and delete.

11. Exit management: quit the background management.

12. The requirement of customers other support.

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