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2012-07-22 酷站科技
Navigation is the product design of LPS, the Web design is in considering how to show the user will operation, and the design of the Mobile more of the time is considered how operation clever is hidden. But this is actually the core functions in order to hide the outstanding.

IOS navigation mode is based on the basic of iOS system itself some mode, with iOS new product appear constantly, the new navigation way also will update. Here, said the "upper" navigation way.

And, of course, is the author of the upper navigation to the navigation way the name, as to learn what name, small make up also don't know. The navigation mode general use of the main body hidden in the app will navigation on the way to a button to exhale navigation, in use by using the same after completion of the button is hidden. Pull a shrink, from image and drawer similar, so they call him that.

依据不彻底的资格证书,这类导航栏方法起源于Facebook。在最开始的Facebook App中,一直选用了较为传统的九宫格导航栏方法,伴随着FB的发展趋势,这类非常重的导航栏方法会导致用户Timeline的展现被非常大水平上减弱,尽管FB也曾试着在客户进到App的情况下直接进入Timeline而不是这一九宫格导航栏。
According to incomplete research, the navigation way begins with Facebook. In the first Facebook App, has been adopted more conservative JiuGongGe navigation systems, along with the development of the FB, this heavy navigation way can lead to users of the display of the Timeline is greatly overshadowed, although FB also tried in the App users to directly into the Timeline and not the JiuGongGe navigation.

But, obviously this optimization still isn't good enough. Then, in November 2011 or so, FB issued new iOS and android client, one of the important change is the change of pattern of navigation, released new drawer navigation, it also strengthens the Timeline for the show.

FB发布这类新的导航栏方式没多久,Gmail的iOS版本号一样选用了这类导航栏方式,再以后path 2.0版本号也选用了这类零件柜导航栏并将其演化到完美。到此,这类零件柜的导航栏方式快速窜红与iOS设计产品中。
FB launched the new navigation mode soon, Gmail iOS versions of the same this navigation mode, after again path version 2.0 also adopted this drawer navigation and its evolution to the extreme. So far, the drawer navigation model is rapidly change red and iOS product design.

简易的界定(Simple definition of)

General control drawer handle appeared in the top left corner of the App, with the form of a button, click on the button was opened after the drawer, button is pulled into the top right-hand corner of the App, the left open area (the drawer) after the show navigation content.

导航栏的內容能够 是以目录方式展现的基本2级导航栏,还可以将一些十分用的便捷实际操作通道立即放进来,如FB的检索。实际方式如下图
The content of the navigation is the form of the list can show regular grade 2 navigation, also can use some very fast and operator put directly to come in, such as the FB search. Specific form the following figure

This, of course, there are also some variant drawer, at present by the Path and Sparrow is serious. Path will not only capital navigation as a drawer, at the same time, the operation of the bottom button is also a kind of varieties of drawer; And the Sparrow increased by the drawer level, and in a drawer was after open also can continue to open a layer of the draw er.

In addition, for some need to use the application of news remind, drawer presence would give the news show brings new trouble, so, a lot of drawer navigation will show in the Title in the regional news, in the form of a portal to the show. The typical such as Facebook, quick hotel housekeeper.

抽屉柜导航栏的关键构思(The core of the drawer navigation ideas)

The core idea of the upper navigation is "hidden". Hidden non-core operations and function, allow the user to focus more on the core function up. People think, hidden thinking is mobile product design is the heart of a thought. Last week, in a guest park share about how to shrink and the application and fu hidden with of thought to do mobile product design topic, and this idea of most core is just hide.

Facebook, the users of the core operation is reading Timline, so the drawer hide all other operation; The Path, and the user's core operation or see Timeline of friends, so the drawer hide other operation, at the same time, the operation of the UGC and indispensable, therefore Path in the bottom left corner also used a drawer; In the Sparrow, users see the new mail more than view the file frequency mail frequency, so the drawer hide mail type operation, at the same time, in order to balance the needs of E-mail, alone in the lower right corner left a entrance; In the quick hotel tube home, the user's core operation is through the map to find the hotel near fast, so the drawer hidden switch over city, the other operations...

The navigation way will gradually popular, speculation is based on the evolution of the product design with mobile, more and more product designers started to realize that only let core more outstanding to improve overall product experience, only by continuously reduce the interference can improve efficiency in the use of the user.

And do not suit drawer of navigation App is the need to users to switch between unceasingly in the navigation of the App, don't need to have too much of the navigation App, or core function is a pile of the entrance of the App.
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