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2013-09-16 酷站科技
Content of the website is the core and soul of a construction site. To design beautiful, functional and powerful, without good content, just look impressive but lack real worth. The design is poor, backward function, but through good content and a popular website, meet the eye everywhere. Of course is not to say that the design and function is not important, after all, clothes make the man, but people need more connotation and unique quality, the website also is such.

Content of the website is a marketing type website construction of the soul, the core of everything. It is necessary and the website itself remains exactly, website orientation determines the direction of. And the website content planning and decision of the frame structure of the entire site, site columns and content plate opening. Including product and service project planning need around the web content.

And now, the Internet competition is intense, want more than many of its competitors, rely on imitation has been very difficult to succeed. Only the content well done, do it features, the content did let users like, can talent showing itself. Content of popular and can only be more attributed to mediocrity, unique value to make a website's extraordinary. Of course, the website is not to chase the unique and should not be out of the ordinary, but the innovation on the base of a true understanding of user needs, meet different user needs is necessary, otherwise all the personality have become superfluous.

Therefore, the principle of determining content:

The content is consistent with the site location.

在网站内容整体规划中最非常容易犯的一个不正确便是全都想抓,却哪些也没把握住。而这一不正确的较大缘故一般是网址精准定位不确立造成 。但即便在网址精准定位早已很确立的状况下,网站内容整体规划仍然会出現这类不正确。尤其是在网址发展趋势前期,贪大求全而不精不专,是造成 许多网站内容丧失竞争能力较大的缘故之一。因而网站内容整体规划中,必必须先持续的做加减法,要是是与网址关键精准定位不有关的內容都果断减去,不必为了更好地白芝麻而丟了甜瓜。
An error in the web site content planning is most likely to make is what want to catch, but what also didn't catch. But the biggest reason of this error is usually the site positioning is not clear lead. But even in website localization is very clear, the website content planning still encounter this error. Especially in the initial stage of development of the site, you and not essence of life not only, is one of the reasons why many web content to lose competitiveness maximum. So the website content planning, will need to continue to do subtraction, as long as the content location and site core not related to resolutely lose, don't lose to sesame watermelon.

因此,在明确內容行为主体的情况下一定要与网址精准定位保持一致,一定要明白有得必有失。等着你的网址发展趋势完善平稳,的确甜瓜不容易丟了后,能够 再刚开始紧紧围绕关键服务项目去一步步打造出详细的全产业链。理想一开始就创建一个王国,总是让自身迷途在一个小胡同里。
So, consistent with the site location at the time to determine the content of the subject must, must know how to have homes. Your website development is mature and stable, does watermelon will not be lost, could start around the core services to step by step to create a complete industrial chain. The dream begins to build an empire, will only let yourself lost in a small alley.

The content is to meet the needs of users.

User demand is also associated with the site location, site positioning deter mines what kind of site for user groups. Only to know the website for which a class of users, can be targeted to provide users with content. So the website content is the need to satisfy the site location and the demands of users, but strictly speaking, this does not conflict. And if you find the site location and user needs your conflict, the website content still need to meet user demand for the first, website localization corresponding need to wake up. While the unmet demand is the most potential market, your website to provide products to the chances of success are higher.

The content is competitive.

The competition is mainly between speech and existing congener website competition, if the content of your site with the already existing other web content similar, while other website already first impressions are strongest, you very difficult to succeed. Of course, the real competition is not so simple, analysis before the specially made a five industry forces, effect of five kinds of power industry include: the power of suppliers, buyers, trade barriers, to new competitive threats and possible alternative products or services threat.

So the website content difference is a key promotion website contents of competition, which is why many countries, companies, places need to make characteristic in the propaganda when (not special, ha ha! Why) service. Of course, again, there is a misunderstanding, it is not to have the characteristics that have characteristics, that is called as. But the understanding to meet the basic user real demand, offer special service.

Consider the content of construction cost.

The ideal is full, the reality of the skinny, content of construction cost is a problem that can not be ignored. The content is not the only source of SEO optimization, is also the largest site operation problem. Content of construction difficulty mainly in two aspects: one is the update is not easy, two is to ensure that the quality is not easy. If the site long time not update, it is difficult to allow the user to look back, to search engine optimization is not good. But if you can keep updating, if the quality is bad, the original is not much, not even then. If your site is the location of the professional field, the more need to be able to provide professional article. So in the choice of web content, the need to consider the future is difficult, content quality can be guaranteed, cost is too high, can not mobilize the users to create content etc..

互联网技术中的內容快速传播很快,也造成 网站内容单一化越来越严重。怎样同中异中,十分而取胜,已变成网站内容整体规划的重要。网页页面竞相杂杂,网友来来回回,怎么让网友仅因在网页页面群中多看看你一眼,就从此忘不了网页页面的容貌,并惦记着不经意会出现下一次再见了,此后你也就能够 刚开始开心的点钱。
Content propagation velocity in the Internet quickly, also led to website content homogenization is becoming more and more serious. How to seek common ground while reserving differences, surprising and winning, has become a key site planning. Webpage miscellaneous in succession, netizens back and forth, how to let users because only look at you in the webpage group, will not forget webpage appearance, and think occasionally next time goodbye, count the money then you can start to happiness.
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