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2013-09-12 酷站科技
关键词搜索量就是指一个网页页面中百度关键词占网页页面总篇幅的占比,大伙儿一直在探讨哪些的关键词搜索量更适合,能够 做到最好是的强烈推荐实际效果有不容易被觉得是故意沉积,酷站科技网站建设和大伙儿共同学习关键字如何设置更有效。
Keyword density is the site of a page in the page keyword accounted for the total number of words ratio, we have been discussing what keyword density is more appropriate, can achieve the recommended best have not considered malicious accumulation, luxuries Chinese website construction and we all learn together how keywords can set more reasonable.

How to check the keyword density, normally we see webpage when you can directly judge, open a page can know his center is what is a good keyword density, not to see the key or all such repetitive word webpage is not a good page, except of course we can directly see outside use Adsense tools to check whether the webpage keyword accumulation or shortage.

Keywords marketing based website building density is much more appropriate? The general view is 2%-8%, this layout is reasonable, the webmaster also need not set too many keywords, such as web site keywords is "site construction", and then the whole page is the word, the user experience is very bad, if be search engine judge malicious accumulation, the result is the loss outweighs the gain.

一些网站站长选用掩藏的关键字,这类状况尽管立即看不见可是百度搜索引擎能够 查验出去,非常容易遭受处罚。
Some owners use hidden keywords, that although the direct not see but the search engines can be checked out, it is easy to be punished.

Finally, hope the webmaster in setting keywords fully consider the density problem, in order to achieve the best effect of website construction.
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