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2013-08-29 酷站科技
Website weight and flow is very important. They know that the tool to query, flow with the weight is proportional to the. Their proportion is: Baidu Baidu weight flow 1~100, 1; 100~500 Baidu Baidu flow, weight 2; Baidu Baidu flow 500~1000, weight 3 etc.. If the flow of 0 words weight is almost 0. But there are also cases, 1 to 0 weight flow. Today's Luxuries Chinese enterprise website construction Xiaobian talk about why will appear this circumstance.

一、关键字选择问题(Keyword selection)

Weight is an overall judgment of search engine on your website, the website does not cheating, cater to search engine and let it feel friendly to it, to increase the weight is very easy. But the weight increase, does not represent flow must not 0. Flow is according to the keywords ranking with index. Keyword index does not or rarely, although ranking is very good, can not bring IP site or prove futile; index, there is no ranking is the same. Keywords according to the particularity and universality to. Extensive refers to etymology to rich, not only in a few words to and fro, the flow of time can be considered; special refers to words carefully, search volume, competition of large amount of words is not a good choice; the search volume, competition is moderate, popular word is our first choice, unpopular word not much traffic.

二、网址是不是进到沙盒游戏阶段(Whether the site into the sandbox period)

After the marketing type website construction began operation for a period of time, adhere to update the station to do every day the chain, Baidu will soon give you the weight. After the establishment of the new search engine will be a similar qualification evaluation stage, is called the sandbox period, usually 2-6 months, this time for 0 web site traffic is very normal. As long as we regularly updated articles, structure do not tamper with the site, modify title, description and so on. Just before you did not use the means of cheating, believe Baidu is not difficult for you, will re crawls the web content, restore the weight of your site with flow.

三、被降权惩罚的预兆(Sign right down)

被降权惩罚就是指百度搜索引擎给网址鉴定的级別降低了,也是百度搜索引擎对网址开展的一种惩罚方法。网址被百度搜索引擎被降权惩罚,能够 从好多个层面看来:1、排行是不是大幅降低;2、百度收录降低;3、百度搜索引擎百度快照更新速率减少;4、site主页没有百度搜索引擎第一位;网址没总流量很有可能是被降权惩罚的一种预兆。碰到这类状况你需要对你的网址开展检验,是不是出現了过多优化,百度收录数是不是大幅降低,友情链接是不是有被降权惩罚而拖累大家网址等。近期百度搜索接二连三的优化算法升级,从绿萝算法到番石榴再到绿萝算法2.0的升级,严厉打击低品质网页页面跟可持续性软文外链。百度搜索本身原造成 被降权惩罚,网站站长无须太过担忧,等它的优化算法期过去了,权重值跟总流量依然会回家的。如果是本身舞弊造成 被降权惩罚那就需要注意了,立即更改seo优化对策,像删除垃圾外部链接,有规律性的升级站内內容,做高质量外链等,或许百度搜索引擎会再次来核查你的网址。
Drop right is that the search engine to the site assessment level dropped, and search a punishment to the site of the engine. Website search engine drop right, can be several ways: 1, ranking is greatly reduced; 2, included reducing; 3, search engines snapshot update rate; 4, site home page is not the first search engine; the site didn't flow is likely to be a sign right down. In this case you want on your site for detection, there is an excessive optimization, included number is greatly reduced, friends of the chain is down the right and implicated in our website. Baidu update recently one after another algorithm, from the original algorithm to pomegranate to update original algorithm 2, against low quality page w ith the promotion of the soft chain. Baidu's original lead to drop right, the owners do not have to worry too much about it, and so the algorithm period, with the weight of the flow or will come back. If it is their own cheating lead to drop right it should pay attention to the timely change, SEO optimization strategy, such as delete junk the chain, update website content rules, do the high quality the chain, may search engine will return to review your site.

Above is the analysis on luxuries Chinese website weight is 1 but no traffic, I hope useful for the novice webmaster. SEO optimization is the stationmaster need to share their experience, it is not a precise theorem, the conclusion in practice is the best. If have a wrong place, please.
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