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2013-07-10 酷站科技
中小企业网站制作都是有一个相同点,网站内容少,网址频道千篇一律,没什么特点,除开关于我,在线留言,便是商品信息,沒有能立在访问者的视角去网站设计,自然这跟许多网站建设企业的水准拥有 非常大的关联,其压根還是公司对网站建设,互联网营销了解不够。
Small and medium enterprises production sites have one thing in common, the website content, website column follow the same pattern, no features, in addition to about us, contact us, is the product of information, not to stand in the perspective of the viewer to design a website, of course this with a lot of website construction company level have a great relationship, the fundamental or enterprise website construction, network marketing knowledge.

For the less content, and no special corporate Web site to site optimization work, how many have some limitations. Want to break through the need from the following several aspects:

1 the site itself from the structure, columns to writing code to the site layout should take into account the friendly search engine, to make up for lack of website content less raise other site conditions, in order to improve the quality of your web site!

2.內容层面,尽可能提升领域有关的內容,假如标准比较有限,能够 考虑到创建企业博客,来升级网站内容,维持一定的规律性也可以让网址的內容丰富起來。
2, try to increase industry related content, if the condition is limited, can consider the establishment of the enterprise blog, to update the website content, to maintain a certain rule can also let the website content rich.

3.关键字的挑选上边应当更侧重于和商品有关的长尾关键词,而不必太追求完美领域热搜词,由于有过多的行业门户网站在与你争夺这方面赘肉,能够 挑选一些偏小众的关键字。
Choose the top 3 keywords should be more emphasis on products and related long tail word, and not too the pursuit of industry popular keywords, because there are too many in the industry Web site and you for this fat meat, can choose some partial unpopular keywords.

4.外链的基本建设层面,要留意在挑选外部链接目标的领域最好与自身有关,或是存有潜在性的关联,如同你是做婚纱影楼的个人工作室,除开能够 和同行业摄影公司做连接,一样能够 和钻石戒指类网址,日常生活消费性网址交换友链。
4 external links construction, attention should be paid to the chain object in the choice of the industry with their best is relevant, or the presence of potential relationship, like you do wedding photography studio, in addition to do link and peer photography studio, can also and diamond class website, living consumer websites Link exchange.
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