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2012-08-13 酷站科技
Beijing website construction process to grasp of the several key, one of which, the key information in a prominent position, the entire web site space sort a website is very important appropriate is title, titles such as street signs, the somebody else in your web site GuangLaiGuangQu, on which all the way. Give the impression of whether can immediately noticed the title, title to meaning clear, descriptive is strong, the most attractive place in the outstanding conspicuous position, then slowly open. Or, put your unique content wrapped into a suspense, attract attention junkie. Set aside can adjust the position, to meet temporary or short-term marketing activities in the promotion of the need. Such as, fuzhou telecommunication bureau held on December 11, "the first information network in fujian province show" exhibition, need in your web pages on the outstanding position. It will need to adjust the structure, not only let the new content have manifested, also not covered other key. In each of the text and graphics screen layout both must consider to the focus of the outstanding, but also to the person with the feeling of harmony. Can't let graphics submerged writing, nor too little and graphics let a person feel drab. Visual attraction and allure is vastly underrated.

2、网页页面应当通俗易懂,操纵没个控制模块的数据量UEO营销推广型网站建设最重要的技巧,也许便是你的网页页面要最易读。这就代表着,你务必花点思绪来整体规划文本与情况颜色搭配技巧计划方案。留意不必使情况的色调淡化了文本的视觉冲击,别用花哨的颜色组成,令人看上去你的网页页面来很费力。一般来说,浅色背景下的深棕色文本为宜。这一标准也代表着,你最好别把文本的规格型号设得很小、也不可以很大。文本很小,别人读起來不舒服;文本很大,或是文本视觉冲击转变经常,好像对着人大声喊叫,看上去难受。此外,最好是让文字左两端对齐,而不是垂直居中。按当今简体中文的阅读习惯,文字大多数居左的。自然,题目一般应当垂直居中,由于这合乎阅读者的阅读习惯。在內容上着笔尽可能要细腻,让别人能在最少的時间内,掌握你要展现给别人哪些。给别人一幅清楚的画轴,别云山雾罩的。直截了当,直截了当。大家都了解,网民的细心特别是在少。你可以出示的信息内容也许对她们有助益,但假如要别人不停地翻下去才可以寻找,也许非常少有些人有这一份细心。立体式整体规划內容,将全部一部分按一定的架构各就其位、各自列入不一样层级的网页页面。留意需先把最重要的內容放进主页上,别的的先后准备就绪。随后,你也就能够 勾划网页页面宏伟蓝图、编HTML了。就文字內容的主要表现来讲,记牢尽可能别让其一行文本的总宽,跨过全部显示屏。文章段落一多,这样子看上去很费力,并且他人的电脑浏览器还很有可能与你的区别非常大。最好是别超出显示屏总宽的一半。
2, the web page should understand, the control of a module didn't the most important information website design tips, I'm afraid is your web page to easy to read. This means that you have to spend bit of idea to planning of words and the collocation of the background color scheme. Pay attention to avoid the color of the background of the text diluted the visual effect, don't use fancy colour combination, let a person see up your web page to the effort. Generally speaking, light color background dark text is preferred. This principle also means, you'd better don't put words to the specifications set too small, also can not be too big. Text is too small, the somebody else read uncomfortable; Text is too large, or word visual effect changes frequently, such as blunt backer, looks uncomfortable. In addition, had better let text left alignment, not the center. According to contemporary Chinese reading habits, most of the text in the left. Of course, the title general should center, because this meet the readers reading habits. In the content to detailed pen as far as possible, and let people can in the shortest possible time, know you want to present to the somebody else what. Give somebody else a clear picture scroll, don't a muddle. Come straight to the point and straightforward. As we all know, net friend of patience especially less. Can you provide information to help them perhaps, but if somebody else to no end to turn down to find, I'm afraid that very few people have the patience. Stereo planning content, will all part according to certain framework each with respect to its position, the different levels of the page into respectively. Pay attention to the most important content on the home page, and the other in turn is in order. You can then ticked off delimit page blueprint, edit HTML. Is the text content for the performance, remember to don't let the one text line width, across the entire screen. More than a paragraph, it looked very laborious, but other people's browser may also and your difference is very big. Had better not exceed half of the width of the screen.

3, web page smaller may be more beautiful, had better not exceed 50 k, as far as possible concise research shows that, if a web page in the main body of 15 seconds to appear not to come out, visitors will soon lose interest in the station. Of course, there are exceptions, such as content is so wonderful, the somebody else not to no. Like visual art site again, also can not to "fast" is the only design standards. However, even if such sites, also add a guidance in this page, give readers a hint, don't ignore the somebody else's mood. But most of the web site or the content to give priority to, the majority of people interested in or information, are in pursuit of speed. To limit the size of the page, you have to consider to save from various points of view. The biggest one head is image, some good thing, had to give up what one favours. Think about it, the creative expression, brand image, earn money of several goals, which one is the most important?

4, web site navigation to clear and easy to find all the links should be clear to the reader without marked, all the Settings of the navigation properties, like image button, should have clear mark, let a person see, don't patronize visual effect, lively, and let people do not know the thing north and south. The link text color that most conventional: not visit, blue; Click, purple or chestnut. If you have to try to be unique, links text will think in what way to highlight, for example, to add the bold? Plus size? Add ShuBiao on both sides? Or a few general who. In short, text link must and other languages page distinguishs somewhat, give the reader with guidance. Clear navigation also requires: the reader into the purpose of the page clicks, no more than three times.

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