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关键词与网站建设相结合才能达到完整seo 优化

2012-08-13 酷站科技
针对大家的网站构造,大家以权重值的流动性看来,我们可以它比成是一颗树木。 大家网站的主导航条便是大家的地下茎,而面包糠、归类便是树杆,对于大家的内 容网页页面便是这课树的枝干。那麼大家怎么让大家的网站权重值能够 根据有效的分派 到大家地下茎、树杆和枝干呢?这就必须大家有一个极致的网站总体设计。那麼我们要怎样设计方案大家的网站构造才可以做到最好是的优化实际效果呢?北京市网站制作企业酷站科技共享妙用不一样种类关键字设计制作大家的网站构造。
For our site structure, we see the weights of the flow, we can it compared to a big tree. Our site navigation bar is leading our roots, and bread crumbs, classification is trunk, and as for our inside the tree is let page of branches and leaves. So how do we let our site by reasonable distribution of weight to our roots, the trunk and branches and leaves? This needs us to have a perfect site structure design. So how do we design our site to achieve the best optimizing structure effect? Beijing website production company is still product China to share with qiao different type keywords to design our site structure.

一:做SEO网址优化以大家的主关键字做为网址的题目 大家的主关键字一般是一些搜索量很大的或是是大家的知名品牌关键字。每一个领域都有着自身的主关键字,而主关键字关联到网站的精准定位及中后期的发展趋势。这是一个知名品牌的关键字,是一个精准定位为站长网站的关键字。如下图我们可以看一下主页的源码,我们可以见到在源码中的题目信息内容中便是以大家的这一主关键字主导。另外还可以再叙述中开展主关键字的交叉。
A: do SEO website optimization to our Lord key words as the title of the website of our Lord keywords is usually some search index larger or is our brand keywords. Every profession has its own Lord keywords, and the relationship between the site keywords to the positioning and later development. This is a brand of keywords, is a location for the webmaster site keywords. The following figure we can look at the front page of source code, we can see in the source code of the header information is the key to our Lord give priority to. At the same time also can again in the description of the main keywords into.

二:把一般关键字做为网址的专业分类 针对大家一般的草根网站而言总流量的一大来源于便是根据一般的关键字。那麼我们要怎样运用这种一般的关键字来网站设计的构造来得到更强的优化实际效果呢?举个例子,基本建设UEO营销推广型网站建设,有一个关键字有:计算机语言、堆叠款式这些的一般关键字,我们可以将这种一般关键字放置网站的专业分类中。如下图所显示,那样有两个益处,第一是能够 非常好的提升客户的友善感受度,客户很便捷就可以寻找要想的有关分类信息网。其二,能够 非常好的分派网站的权重值,就如小编在开场所点出的,专业分类能够 类似一棵大树的枝条来传送网站的权重值,那样就可以使大家的內容网页页面得到充足的“营养物质”。自然大家必须留意的,大家的专业分类不必设定的过多,假如确实有很多得话,能够 应用三级文件目录。
2: the general keywords as a categorized list of web site for our general grassroots web site is a major source of flow is through the general keywords. So how do we use these general keywords to design the structure of the web site to have better optimization results? For example, the construction UEO marketing type website construction, and have a key words are: programming language, cascading style and so on general key words, we can put these general keywords in the site's classification directory. As the chart shows, this two advantages, the first is can very good enhance the user friendly experience degrees, the user is very convenient, can be found in the related information to the classification. Second, can be very good distribution site weight, if the author starts with the point, classified catalogue can is similar to a big tree branches to deliver the site's weight, so that we can make our content pages to get enough "nutrient". Of course we need to pay attention to, our classified catalogue don't set too much, if really have a lot of words, can use level 3 directory.

三:应用长尾词做为大家內容的题目长尾词这一类词尽管得到总流量会较为少,并且也是有规律性。可是这一类词的优化难度系数相对性于一般关键字而言会更为的简易。这也是做为草根创业网站不可以忽略的得到总流量的一大来源于。这一类的词针对公司网站至关重要。由于公司网站的长尾词一本为“哪些 XXX 最好是”这些这一类长尾词。就如小编以前触碰的一个美容护肤的公司网站,我们可以将大家的长尾词嵌入到大家的內容的题目中,那样就可以得到一个更强的实际效果。自然我们在应用长尾词做为大家的內容题目谨记必须与大家的网站主题风格、专业分类具备极强的相关性,不必鼻部眼眉一把抓。
Three: use the long tail key words as our content, the title of the long tail keywords such word though traffic will get less, and there are periodic. But this kind of word of the optimization of the difficulty than the general would be more simple words. This is as grassroots site cannot ignore the won a major source of flow. This kind of word for enterprise site especially important. Because enterprise site long tail keywords a book for "what XXX best" and so on the long tail of key words. As the author of a beauty after contact with the enterprise site, we will our long tail keywords is embedded in our content in the title, so that they can get a better effect. Of course we use in the long tail keywords as our content and we need to remember that title of the site theme, classified catalogue with strong correlation, don't nose pushed his eyebrows.

大家可以说网站是一颗树,必须大家仔细的关爱才可以健康成长。通重要三种 不一样种类的关键字让我们的网站设计方案一个有效的构造可能使大家的网站得到更强的优化实际效果。
We may say that the site is a tree, we need to caress attentively to thrive. The key three different types of key words to our site to design a reasonable structure will make our site get better optimization effect.

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