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2012-08-11 酷站科技
做为网络时代的支点的网址,也是大家关心的网络热点:政府部门运用网站推广自身的施政纲领,日渐变成与老百姓沟通交流的淘宝直通车;公司运用网站推广自身的品牌形象,发掘无尽创业商机;本人运用网址展现个性化风彩,建立相互沟通交流的公路桥梁。愈来愈多的人期待有着网址,开拓网络时代里的一片乾坤。怎样设计方案一个出色的网站呢?有关这个问题,大家探讨的许多,能够 探讨的內容也许多,加上网络科技的迅猛发展,难以明确提出一个肯定权威性和恰当的设计理念,依据以往的工作经验和自身的构思小结出下列好多个构思:
As a network of support for the web site in the world, but also people concerned hot: the government used website propaganda their platforms, increasingly become the through train communication with the people; Enterprise use website propaganda his image, mining the unlimited business opportunities; Personal use website show individual character style, create each other's bridge of the communication. More and more people wish to have a web site, open up the network in the world of a slice of heaven and earth. How to design a good website? On this question, people to discuss a lot of, can discuss the contents and many, together with the rapid development of network technology, it is difficult to put forward a absolute authority and the correct design idea, based on past experience of his thoughts and summarized the following a few ideas:

一、精准定位网址的主题风格和名字(The theme of the website localization and names)

网址的主题风格也就是网址的主题,北京市网站设计刚开始最先碰到的难题。网址主题稀奇古怪,应有尽有,要是想的到,就可以把它制做出去。主题能够 有不计其数种。这么多主题,如何选择呢?遵照的标准以下:
 The theme of the website is the subject of website, Beijing website design began the first meet problem. Website various themes, full of beautiful things in eyes, as long as wanted, you can take it produced. Subjects can have thousands of kinds of. So many subjects, how to choose? The principles of the following:

1、主题风格要小而美 网址的较大特性便是新和快,现阶段最受欢迎的个人中心全是每日更新乃至几个小时升级一次。全新的调查报告也显示信息,互联网上的"主题风格站"比"必备站"更受大家钟爱,就如同经销店和百货商城,假如必须买某一方面的物品,毫无疑问会挑选专买店。
Subject to small and fine web site that the biggest characteristic of new and faster, at present the most popular personal homepage is updated every day even updated once a few hours. The latest survey result also shows, on the network "theme stand" than "sure-fire stand" more popular, like stores and department stores, and if I need to buy a hand things, will choose only buy store.

2、主题最好是就是你自身善于或是钟爱的內容 兴趣爱好是制作网页的驱动力,沒有激情,难以制作出出色的网址,那样在制做时,才不容易感觉无趣或是心有余而力不足。
Is your best subject at or the content of the love interest is making the power of the web site, no passion, it is difficult to design a good website, so in production, don't feel bored or ambition.

3、主题不必太滥或是总体目标太高 假如主题早已明确之后,就可以紧紧围绕主题给网址起一个姓名。网站名,也是网站设计的一部分,并且是很重要的一个因素。和现实生活中一样,网站名是不是浩然正气,洪亮,易记,对网址的品牌形象和宣传推广也是有非常大危害。我们建议是:1、名字要正 2、名字要易记 3、名字要有特点 4、要合适SEO、UEO。
Don't abuse or subject matter too high if theme has identified target after, it can be subject to a website on a name. Web site name, is also part of the web design, and it's one of the crucial factors. As in real life, the web site name is upright, loud and clear and easy, of the site's image and promotional also has very big effect. My advice is: 1, the name is 2, to name to want to remember 3, 4, to name a characteristics should be suitable for SEO, UEO.

二、精准定位网址的CI品牌形象(The CI website localization image)

说白了CI(corporate identity),意思是根据视觉效果来统一企业的品牌形象。一个优秀的网址,和实体线企业一样,必须总体的品牌形象包裝和设计方案。精确的,有创意的CI设计,对网址的宣传推广有事倍功半的实际效果。实际的作法是:
The so-called CI (corporate identity), meaning through the visual to unified enterprise image. An outstanding website, and entity company, need to be the whole image packaging and design. Accurate, creative CI design, website promotion have twice the result with half the effort. The specific methods:

1、网站设计的标示(logo) 就好似商标logo一样,标示就是你网站特点和内函的充分体现,看到标示就要大伙儿感悟到你的网站。
Web design mark (logo) as trademark, the sign is the characteristic and the connotation of your site embodiment, saw signs so everyone associate with your site.

2、网站设计的规范颜色 网址给人的第一印象来源于视觉冲击,明确网址的规范颜色是非常关键的一步。提示一点 要留意颜色的有效配搭。
Web design standard colour to web site the impression from visual impact, sure web standards is quite important step color. Remind a bit to pay attention to colorific reasonable collocation.

3、网站设计的规范字体样式 和规范颜色一样,规范字体样式就是指用以标示,题目,主菜单的独有字体样式。
Web design standard font and standard colour, standard font that is used for mark, title, the main menu of the special font.

4、网站设计的宣传语 还可以说成网址的精神实质,网址的总体目标。用一句话乃至一个词来高宽比归纳。相近具体日常生活的广告宣传经典话语。
Web design publicity slogans also say, is the spirit of the site, the goals of the web site. Use a word or even a word to highly generalization. Similar ads gold in actual life sentences.

三、明确网址的频道(Determine the column of web site)

Build a web site like to write an article, the first to draw up the outline, the theme can clear, clear hierarchy. If the structure of the website are not clear, possibly directory, content east a cake of west a piece. The results not only your visitors see more confused, expanded and maintenance of website is difficult. The subject of website is determined, and collect and organize many relevant data content, but how to organize the content to attract users to browse the web site? The essence of the column is a website of the outline of an index, the main body of the site should be clearly displayed. General website column arrangement should pay attention to the following aspects:

1、要围绕主题风格(To on track4)

Will your theme according to certain method classification and use them as the Lord of the web column. The number of columns in the overall theme of the column to dominated, such a web site the significant professional, the subject is prominent, easy to give a person leave deep impression.

Set up recently updated or website guide columns

开设"最近更新"的频道,是为了更好地照料常到的浏览量,给你的首页更有个性化。假如首页內容巨大,层级较多,而又沒有网站内部的百度搜索引擎,设定"本网站手册"频道,能够 协助初访者迅速寻找她们要想的內容。
Set up "recently updated" column is to take care of the visitor often, let your home page is more humane. If your home page content huge, level is more, and no stand inside the search engine, setting, "this site guide" column, can help quickly find they want to symbolise the content.

3、开设能够 双向交流的频道例如社区论坛,留言本,邮件归档等,能够 让访问者留有她们的信息内容。
Can set up the column of bilateral exchanges such as BBS, guestbook, mailing list, and can let your visitors leave their information.

Download or set up the common problems answer columns

The characteristics of the network is sharing information. As in your home page set on a material download columns, facilitate visitors download material. In addition, if the site often receive certain aspects of the problem about the letter, the best set up a common problem answer column, which is convenient for the net friend, also can save yourself more time.

四、明确网址的文件目录构造(Determine the directory structure of a web site)

网址的文件目录就是指你建设网站时建立的文件目录。比如:再用frontpage98建设网站时都默认设置创建了网站根目录和images(储放照片)根目录。文件目录构造的优劣,对访问者而言并没什么很大的觉得,可是针对网站自身的提交维护保养,內容将来的扩大和移殖拥有 关键的危害。下边是创建文件目录构造的一些提议:
Web directory is to point to a website you when the directory to create. For example: in a web site frontpage98 when the default set up the root directory and images (store pictures) subdirectories. Directory structure is good or bad, it is not for your visitors what too big feeling, but for the site itself upload maintenance, the content of the future expansion and transplantation has important effect. Below i s a list of some of the Suggestions established structure:

Don't put all the files are stored in the root directory, can cause file management confusion

你经常分不清什么文档必须编写和升级,什么没用的文档能够 删掉,什么是关联的文档,危害工作效能。此外,上传速度慢。网络服务器一般都是会为网站根目录创建一个文档数据库索引。当您将全部文档都放到根目录下,那麼即便你只提交升级一个文档,网络服务器也必须将全部文档再查找一遍,创建新的数据库索引文档。很显著,文档量越大,等候的時间也将越长。因此,尽量减少网站根目录的文档储放数。
You often do not clear which files need to edit and renewal, which useless files can be deleted, which is linked to the file, influence the work efficiency. In addition, upload speed. Server will generally for the root directory to establish a file index. When you put all the files in the root directory, so even if you only upload update a file, server also need to put all the files to retrieval again and create a new index files. Obviously, the greater the amount documents, wait for the time will be the more long. So, as far as possible to reduce the number of storage root directory.

According to the content column establish subdirectories

根目录的创建,最先按主菜单频道创建。比如:公司网站能够 按公司概况,产品简介,价钱,线上订单,意见反馈联络等建立完善文件目录。别的的主次频道,相近what's new,友情链接內容较多,必须常常升级的能够 创建单独的根目录。而一些关联性强,不用常常升级的频道,比如:有关本网站,有关网站站长,网站历经等能够 合拼放到一个统一文件目录下。全部程序流程一般都储放在特殊文件目录。比如:CGI程序流程放到cgi-bin文件目录。全部必须免费下载的內容也最好是放到一个文件目录下。
The establishment of the directory, according to the main menu first established columns. For example: enterprise sites may according to company's introduction, product introduction, price, online order, such as the establishment of corresponding feedback contact list. Other secondary columns, similar to what 's new content more, connect, friendship needs to be updated frequently can establish independent subdirectories. And some strong correlation, don't always need to update the columns, for example: about this site, about the webmaster, etc can be combined on site through a unified directory. All the programs are usually stored in specific directory. For example: CGI program in CGI-bin directory. All need to download content also had better be put in a directory.

Each column in the directory is the establishment of an independent images directory

Each column for the Lord set up a separate images directory is the most convenient management. And the root directory of the images are just used to put home page directory and some minor column picture.

Directory level not too deep

Directory of the proposal is not more than 3 layers level, convenient maintenance and management.

Don't use Chinese directory

Don't use a long list

五、明确网址的连接构造(Sure web link structure)

网址的连接构造就是指网页页面中间互相连接的网络拓扑结构。它创建在文件目录构造基本以上,但能够 超越文件目录。建设网站的连接构造有二种基础方法:
Web link structure is to point to page links between the topological structure of each other. It is based in the directory structure basis, but can cross the directory. Website link structure has two basic ways:

Tree link structure

The directory structure of a similar DOS, home page links to level 1 page, level 1 page links to level 2 pages. This link structure browsing, YiJiJi into, YiJiJi exit. The advantage is a clear and organized, the visitor clear know what position, not "fan" way. Defect is browsing low efficiency, a column of the child pages to another section of the child pages, must by the home page.

Star shaped link structure

相近网站服务器的连接,每一个网页页面彼此之间都创建有连接。这类连接构造的优势是访问便捷,随时随地能够 抵达自身喜爱的网页页面。缺陷是连接过多,非常容易使访问者迷了路,分不清自身在什么位置,看过是多少內容。
Similar web server link, each page have est ablished a link between each other. This link structure is the advantage of browsing convenient, can arrive at any time you like page. Defect is links too much, easy to make browsers get lost, do not clear himself in what position, see how much content.

The two basic structure is the ideal way, in the actual web design, will always be the two structures using mixed up, which is the ideal effect. Good plan is: home page and level 1 page with star shaped link between structure, level and at all levels between the page with tree link structure.

六、网站设计的总体设计风格(The integral style of the web design)

Style (style) is abstract, it is to point to the site's overall image to the visitor's comprehensive experience. The "overall image" includes the site's CI (symbol, colors, fonts, slogans), page layout, browsing way, interactivity, text, tone, content value, the meaning of existence, honor and so on many factors site. How to set up the site style? We can share such several steps:

1、相信设计风格是创建在有使用价值內容以上 一个网站有设计风格而沒有內容,就如同绣花枕头一包草,如同一个性情高傲但却目不识丁的人。你最先务必确保內容的品质和使用价值性,它是最基础的。
That style is built on a value on a web site content has no style and content, like embroidered pillow a pack of grass, like a character arrogant but couldn't read. First you must ensure that the quality of the content and value sex, this is the most basic.

You need a thorough make clear oneself hope site gives the impression of  What?

In clear your own web site after impression, began to establish and strengthen this impression.

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