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2012-08-05 酷站科技
提到网站建设,每一个网站建设企业都拥有 苛刻的、标准的操作步骤,及其恰当的国家标准。或许存有一定的差异,可是酷站科技觉得,网站建设单位的每个人都必须确保实行的每一个新项目都高品质进行,带来顾客优良的感受,这才算是技术专业网站建设企业务必恪守的!
Talking about the website construction, every website construction company has a tough and standard operation procedure, and the correct standards. Maybe there are certain difference, but it is product China think, website construction department of each people need to perform (every project complete high quality, gives customers good experience, this is the professional website construction company to hold on to.

Website construction project is divided into three stages:

The first stage: the website construction before stage:

Website construction project into the project team before operation, sales will be preferential validate customer site needs to make good web columns of architecture and function module at the site in head in place, the project is formally to the project team. Sales need to fill in the project start single ", submitted to project director, project director estimated project period, distribution project team, confirm responsible for personnel.

The project of the online sales contract, planning, customer information and the materials to the project manager together, project manager will do with sales of communication and concrete replacement, and then the project manager organization includes customers, sales and project each position of the technical personnel participated in together "project start session," officially start projects. All the associated customer information, start time limit and the operation process, the project manager timely input by project management system.

The second paragraph: web site set up the sale of the paragraph:

Web page design.

Web page design is officially the establishment of the first link, stylist participate in start session, need to communicate directly with customers do, specific about client company sets, intentions, the site's depiction of style to wait for web site, and supply to confirm with the customer design refer to, also collect design in the required elements, pictures and other materials, beginning to design home page. Home page is related to the site's style, very important, a relatively long time consuming some, this confirmation, demand the customer signed the website design style admitted that book, then based on the contract of the website structure, design program one page and the content page.

Stylist pays attention to the design of the website, from the home page to show all the inside pages carefully exam school, not like a normal site company, a good home page to come out two pages related, other are kept in front personnel to set of materials, because home page is the appearance of the web site, but the inside pages carrying users want to know all the information of enterprise and the content, the same cannot be neglected.

The front end development:

前端工程师职位是网页制作和软件开发管理中心的一道公路桥梁,前端工程师工作人员按照网页制作源代码,用HTML和CSS完成网页页面生产制造,把设计图在互联网技术上呈现出去。另外,对完成的网页页面开展维护和对网址前端开发特性做相对 的优化。一名达标的前端工程师工作人员,也应具备必需的审美观才能、基础的美工设计实际操作才能及程序流程基本编码分辨才能,那样才能够 非常好的与别的职位合作,弘扬承前启后的实际效果。
The front end development post is web design and program development center of a bridge, front-end developers in accordance with web design source file, use HTML and CSS end page manufacturing, the design draft in the Internet show. At the same time, to end of the page to the front to protect and performance of the corresponding website optimization. A qualified front-end developers, also should have the necessary aesthetic abilities, the status of the basic operating abilities and program code base identify talent, so that it can have a good cooperation with other position, develop the connecting link between the preceding and the effect.

Program development:

软件开发工作人员取得前端开发工作人员搭建比较好的网站构造,在期间提升功能模块,把新闻报道、商品、留言板留言、vip会员、加入购物车等作用逐一进行,历经程序猿的实际操作,用户才能够 在网址上进行互动交流实际操作。
Program developers get front-end personnel set good website structure, in which increase program module, the news, products, messages, member, the function such as shopping cart one complete, after the operation of the programmer, readers can complete interactive operation on the site.

Three skills post is independent existence, closely connected to, each position mission organization and decorate good early, every post is not fixed, chronological order but interweave and done, for instance: web designer to design your web site at the inside pages, front end workers have been cutting the home page, and the program staff also established the synchronous background module, so that the operation, save the project operation period, also prevent the formation of personnel spoiled. But such operation, about posts exchanges and connection to the high also, each skill post results high efficiency, high quality of cooperation system.

In the sale of paragraphs and an important task, and that is the test. Each skill position have test standard, "posts detail fault sanctions standard" for long time supervision and post test can be qualified.

Each position to test for good, guaranteeing I this one post no BUG, even between jobs with test, and, in the end, the project manager and all the checks, but let's requirements, the website project to project manager during the test, are not allowed to present too much fault.

The third paragraph: web site set up after-sales paragraph:

团队检测、调整 过的没有问题的网址,会统一递交给顾客检测,并规定顾客提供一次性的调整 文字,若是没有问题,则规定顾客签定“网站项目承认书”,并按照合同书规定努力剩余钱财。
The project team test, the modified no problem web site, will be delivered to customers unified inspection, and require customers to supply disposable fixed text, if there are no problems require customers to sign a "web projects admitted that book," and, in accordance with the contract requirement pay money left.

网址检测发布后,都不意味着每日任务就结束了,我们会提供售后服务维护撑持每日任务,有关一年内顾客提供的文本、照片等关键点调整 给与完全免费适用,有关网址文档展现的BUG,提供终生完全免费维护、清查的售后服务服务。有关售后服务,我们有专业的新项目维护组与技术专业的顾客服务单位,确保对顾客网络运营维护的服务项目和适用。
Web site inspection after online, also do not represent the task was completed, we will supply after-sale protection handle task, about a year of customer supply words, pictures, and other details correction to give free support, about the web site of the documents presented BUG, supply free lifetime protection, testing after-sales service. About after-sale, let's have a special project team and the protection of professional customer service department, guarantee to the customer website operation to protect service and support.

建网站的步骤说起来只字片语,但是却要一向的恪守和帮扶, 才能够 把建网站保证一个一致的标准,带来顾客无差别的售前服务、售中合售后维修服务。
The establishment of the process said a few words, but will always stick to and support, the site can do a consistent standard, gives customers no difference pre-sale, sale and after-sale service.
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