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2012-08-04 酷站科技
Search engine optimization note:

1:现阶段百度搜索引擎的优化算法很完善,他没有是简易的是与并不是中间推论,他会全自动剖析句子间 的段落格式,及其句子的组织协调能力分辨,因此网站站长们不必自做聪慧,去试着正确引导百度搜索引擎, 那麼你能因小失大的。
Current search engine algorithm is very mature, he is not a simple is and is not that between, he will automatically analysis between the statement paragraph format, and statements organization ability judgment, so don't do the webmaster since smart, to try to lead the search engine, then you will be the loss outweights the gain.

2:网站建设与优化自始至终要坚持不懈遵循 W3C 标准,网站设计与程序流程是不是标准针对百度搜索引擎优化很重要。
Website construction and always stick to abide by the W3C optimization principle, web design and whether the program specification for search engine optimization is very important.

3:网址内容管理系统,升级网站内容必须提升与网站内容有关的,假如內容太丰富那麼网址的 主题风格便会被淡化, 由于百度搜索引擎的核心内容便是根据文本的营销推广, 现阶段百度搜索引擎还达不上能 够分辨照片与 flash 里边的信息内容。百度搜索引擎优化中最重要的一点也是常常让众多网站站长们头痛 的一件事情,站内信息内容原创文章内容的升级,做百度搜索引擎优化的网站站长们都清晰,顺从百度搜索引擎最 好的方式便是“原創內容” ,原創內容品质越高越发能短期内内被百度收录而且获得好的排行, 以前做了一个试验,紧紧围绕写的一篇,如何提高网站流量,文章内容刚被传出一分钟,随后就能 在搜索造成中查询到,因此网站站长们坚信原創的能量。
Content management, update the content need to increase and the website content related, if the content is too rich so your site's theme will be diluted, because of the search engine is based on the core idea of the text of the promotion, at present the search engines are nowhere can judge pictures and flash it enough information. Search engine optimization of the most important point is often let the webmaster have a headache that one of the things, in the station of the original articles updated information, do a search engine optimization of the station is clear, to cater to the search engine's most good method is "original content", original content the higher the quality the more short time was collected and get good rankings, had done before an experiment, write an essay on, how to improve the site traffic, the article has just been let out a minute, then can cause in search of view to, so they believe that the power of the original webmaster.

4:优化全过程中切勿不必去做些让百度搜索引擎抵触的事儿,例如加上掩藏的文字,或是选用隐 藏的 css 款式,设定字体样式与背景色一致等方式,不必为了更好地优化而优化,時刻要把客户 感受放进第一位。
Optimization process and do some avoid by all means does not get the search engines to resent the things, such as adding the hidden text, or an implicit hid the CSS styles, set up the font color and background color is consistent, and other means to don't in order to optimize and optimization, the time to put the user experience in the first place.

5:不必很多的拷贝他人的內容,搜索模块对原創与拷贝內容具备较强的判断能力,因此大家 尽量减少立即拷贝他人的內容, 要是没有过多的時间来写原創內容, 那麼在拷贝的基本上稍 加改动也算作一篇原创文章內容,切勿不必立即拷贝他人的內容。
Not a lot of copying others content, search engine to original and copy content of good judgement, so we try to avoid a direct copy others' content, if do not have much time to write original content, then in the basis of add a copy changes also be a false original content, avoid by all means does not directly copying others content.

6:假如你对自身的方式很确立,不然不必去随便对网址开展优化,除非是你目地很确立,知 道自身每一步做的对优化危害程序流程, 与许多网站站长们沟通交流, 之中发觉许多网站站长不清楚自身所做是 否可以对搜索模块优化有一定的协助,只是盲目跟风的见到他人那么干了,也去仿效他人,熟不知道自 己网址是不是适合。
If your own method is very clear, otherwise don't go to web site at optimized, unless you the purpose is very clear, know oneself each step of the way to optimize the influence do procedures, and the webmasters communication, in that many webmaster don't know oneself is able to do search engines ever optimization help, but the blind see others do, also to follow others, cooked don't know myself from web site is appropriate.

7:百度搜索引擎优化并不是故步自封,想搞好这门大学问,必须我们大家互相沟通交流,沟通交流中或许我 们中间会磨擦出火苗,我可以在你的工作经验中汲取精粹,你可以在我的工作经验中掌握到一些事儿,搜 素模块优化并不是密秘,都没有像大伙儿常说的那麼神密,多沟通交流,多思索,每一个人都能够变成 搜索模块大神。
Search engine optimization is not closed doors, want to make the subject, need we all mutual communication, communication between the maybe I will rub off sparks, can I be in your experience of the essence, can you in my experience to know certain things, search engin e optimization is not secret, also did not like what people are so mysterious, exchanges, think much, everyone can be a search engine player.

Search engine on how to quantify

(我国电商研究所讯)由于自身近期一直在做网站建设的营销推广,因此常常去查百度搜索 排行,坚信别的网站站长都是会跟我一样,也会对排在前面的竞争者情况开展剖析,那麼,倘若 一个网站在外面链、 內容升级、 原創、 建网站時间、 注册域名時间、 及其别的各个领域都不如你, 但别人便是霸着这一第一的部位,那就是怎么回事?谁可以甘愿。 那我今天对你说,搜索引擎排名决不很有可能是以天上掉下来的,搜索引擎排名肯定是有缘故的,这一缘故实际上便是“UEO” 。 UEO”说白了便是客户体验优化,直接一点儿就是以网址的频道构造,信息内容合理布局,作用,设计方案,颜色各个领域都从客户的视角考虑,开展总体规划。
(China electronic commerce research center)-because they've been doing recently of the construction of the website promotion, so often go check baidu ranking, believe that other webmasters would be like me, will be on row in front of the competition rivals to carry on the analysis, then, if a website chain, contents update, outside the original site, time, domain name registration time, and other aspects of all not equal to you, but the somebody else is the first position on this, and that is why? Who can alive. Then I tell you today, website rankings never fell from heaven, website ranking is definitely a reason, and the reason is actually "UEO". UEO "just as its name implies is to optimize the user experience, a little from the website is straightforward column structure, information layout, function, design, colour every aspect from the user's perspective, for overall planning.

尽管现阶段互联网上对 UEO 的 文章内容不过多,但众多网站站长,对其应当并不生疏,它跟大家平常学的 SEO 是一样的?关键字字体加粗,重视 H 标识和别的标识的词义,做原創內容,正确引导访问者浏览,不全是客户体验,不全是 UEO 吗?一回事儿罢了,姓名不一样罢了。 那为何它对排行那么显著和关键? 搜索模块是怎么量化分析 UEO: 在网上广为流传着那么一个公式计算 UEO(客户体验优化)= PV / OR(网站跳失率); 百度搜索引擎对 UEO 的量化分析和评定是这样子的,客户根据“网站制作”这个词找了很 多张找到你的网址,或是含有你连接的有关网址,最终进入你的网址访问內容, 并且访问了数篇內容,还滞留了好长时间,那麼百度搜索 google 便会觉得你 UEO 很好,网址感受 十分高。 看看别的网站站长全是怎样在做 UEO 的: 由于 UEO 要剖析许多数据信息,因此并不是非常好去做案例观查,如同开场常说,一个网站看 上来很差,为何别人能排前边,大家知道为何?那她们究竟是怎么做的?
Although at present on the network to UEO not too much, but the webmaster, is no stranger to its should, we usually learn with it as SEO is? Key words in bold, pay attention to label and other labels H semantic, do original content, and guide your visitors visit, is not the user experience, is not the UEO? One thing only, is not the same as the name just. But why it to rank so obvious and important? Search engine is how quantitative UEO: online there such a formula UEO (user experience optimization) = PV/OR (site jump out rate); Search engine to UEO quantization and evaluation is like this, the user through zhuhai website construction "this word for a very much the page of your website address, or with your link related website address, and finally into your website browse content, and browse the content more than paper, also stayed for a long time, then baidu Google will think you UEO is very good, the website experience is very high. Look at other webmasters are how to do UEO: because UEO to a lot of data analysis, he's not a very good to do example observation, as opening said, a web site look up not how, why somebody else can row in front and we know why? That what they actually do?

1、百度搜索引擎优化手机软件 百度搜索再聪慧,他也是套程序流程,肯定是有优化算法和标准的,那麼如果你考虑标准毫无疑问便会得 到优良的实际效果,反过来你做太过了,毫无疑问便是因小失大,被惩罚,好的百度搜索引擎这一度是很不 好把握的,因此许多网站站长害怕以身侥幸,因为我害怕。 如今流行的优化手机软件大概步骤以下: a、会员注册 b、下载应用 c、设定你的网址和关键字d、设定你如今所属领域,自身的网址现阶段的浏量和浏览高峰期小看 短期内内堆积很多总流量,百度搜索会有一定的发觉的。非常容易被 K E、放置挂机,运用vip会员遍布的优点,系统软件全自动去检索他人的关键字,随后浏览网址,从来不 同地域和時间产生有效的访问量。它是最安全性的。 “百度搜索引擎优化手机软件”高效率十分高,可以短时间做到目地,并且相对的防护措施也比 较科学研究,认真细致,要是但是分,实际上是不容易被 K 的,自然有没有什么積分对策这类的,这仅仅管 理方式或是赢利方式,不做评价
Search engine optimization software baidu and smart, he is also set of procedures, affirmation is to have algorithm and rules, as long as you meet the rules is certain to have good effect, instead you do far, affirmation is not worth the cost, be punished, good search engine this degree is not good master, so many webmaster can't misadventure in body, I don't dare. Now the mainstream optimization software general flow as follows: a, b, registered members download software c, set your website address and keywords d, set you now own industry, their site has clear quantity and visit peak underestimate short time build up large flow, baidu would be aware. Very easy to K E, hang, use of the advantages of the distribution, the system automatically to search other people's key words, and then visit the site, never with areas and time to bring in the reasonable hits. This is the most safe. "Search engine optimization software" efficiency is very high, can in the short term to achieve purpose, and the corresponding protective measures than a scientific, rigorous, as long as not too, is actually not be K, and, of course, what strategy of such integration, this is just the reason means or means of profit, not do the review

2、真实安稳的大神 这一点我不多讲了吧, 便是自身提高网址各个领域的特性了, 实际效果会较慢。
Real player this steady I won't say it, is in her own ascension website all aspects of the performance, the effect will be quite slow.

《百度搜索引擎优化指南》8 月 14 日,百度分公司进行创立了“互联网技术创业人俱乐部队” , 并公布第一份《搜索引擎优化指南》 。刚细心看过下公布的百度搜索今天公布的《百度搜索引擎优 化指南 v1.0》 ,尽管仅仅简易的 20 页內容,却传送了许多信息内容。
"Baidu search engine optimization guide" on August 14,, baidu company have launched "Internet entrepreneurs club", and issue the "search engine optimization guide". Just carefully read the baidu released under released today "baidu search engine optimization of guide v1.0", although only simple 20 pages content, but a lot of information transfer.

1、网站站长盆友需不需要读这一份手册? 我本人的回应是: 要。 实际上在看这一以前就听闻近期百度搜索要公布这一份专业对于百度搜索引擎 优化而做的手册,我与大伙儿一样,都存在顾虑,即然百度搜索要收网站站长们的钱,怎么可能去教會 大伙儿去做优化呢?那样一想,就当然会感觉公布的说白了官方网內容毫无疑问不容易真正。由于许多朋 友强烈推荐我要去看,也就安装了一份,看过后才发觉,实际上并不是最开始想像的那般。百度分公司承担 人表明,发布《指南》致力于协助互联网技术创业人在前期就走上正轨,用更加有效的方法提升自 身网址在百度搜索引擎中的百度收录总数,从而提升流量。另外他提示众多网站站长,勿做以舞弊的方式 做“黑帽优化 SEO” 。 这一份手册也是提示网站站长们学好“白帽子 seo” ,而不是惦记着用各种各样方法去舞弊。
Don't read the webmaster friends to guide? My personal answer is: to. Actually watching this before I heard that the baidu to released the specific to search engine optimization and do guide, I like everyone, all scepticism, now that baidu have to charge the webmaster of money, how can you do go to church to optimization? Such a thought, natural meeting feel released so-called official content won't real. In view of many friends of friends recommended me to see, also downloaded a, after looking to find, but it's not as first thought. Baidu company responsible for the people said, roll out "guide" aims to help the Internet entrepreneurs in early is on track, with more reasonable way to add the body in the search engine included in the website quantity and to increase the flow. At the same time he reminded the webmaster, do not do the form of cheating to do "black hat SEO". This guide is also remind webmaster to learn the "white hat seo," and not thinking about in various ways to cheat.

2、百度搜索引擎和 seo 从业人员的关联 《指南》强调,1997 年至今,seo 和搜索模块都处在对立面的关联,实际上从长久看来,搜 索模块和 seo 从业人员的权益是高度一致的,这也是百度搜索第一次公共场合将这事开展注重。 以前的一年,百度搜索的排列变化莫测,令许多 seo 从业人员是义愤填膺,一方面讨厌百度搜索的 标准持续转变,一方面不断进步百度搜索的新标准,网站站长界探讨数最多的难题便是, “我发现了近期 百度搜索有一个……的规律性” 许多性价比高的网站的 11 位状况, , 许多以前做了百度搜索推广然后沒有 做百度搜索推广的站点排名降低强大,让 seo 从业人员们得到一个基本上人所共知的结果:百度搜索人为因素 干涉过多! 很有可能也是根据那样的一个情况, 做为一家大中型百度搜索引擎企业, 迫不得已在这个机会公布该 《指南》 。百度搜索明确提出,百度搜索引擎品质改进,必须 seo 去优化資源,改进查找結果,另外去引 导文化教育这一销售市场。另外,seo 也是百度搜索引擎使用价值的布道者,seo 让很多人了解了百度搜索引擎的 使用价值,随后让百度搜索引擎的商业行为更为显著,进而也会有益于百度搜索引擎经济收益的扩展。所 以百度搜索要“再次思考百度搜索引擎和 seo 的关联” ,公布该《指南》 。
Search engine and seo practitioner relationship "guide" points out that, since 1997, seo search engines and the relationship in opposition, but in the long run, search index and the interests of the practitioners single-handedly seo is highly consistent, this is also the first time baidu deliberations public emphasis. The year before, baidu sorting fickleness, make many seo practitioner is saddened, on the one hand, hate the changing rules bai du, on the one hand, the learning of new rules baidu, head of the world most discussed problem is, "I find the recent baidu has a...... the law of" many good quality site 11 phenomenon, and many had the baidu promotion and then didn't do baidu promotion rankings down bad, let seo practitioners get a almost known conclusion: baidu manual intervention too much! Also may be based on such a background, as a large search engine company, have to in this time release the "guide". Baidu puts forward, search engine quality improvement, need to seo to optimize the resource, improve the retrieval results, and to lead education this market. At the same time, seo is search engine value of the preachers, seo make many people understand the search engine's value, and then to the search engine to the commercial use more evident, which will help to the development of the search engine commercial value. Have to baidu will "review the search engines and seo relations," release the "guide".

3、加强百度搜索引擎的基本准则 大家见到,在该《指南》中,除开持续注重要一如继往严厉查处“黑帽优化 seo”以外,还 注重了搞好 seo 的好多个必须高度重视的难题。许多难题,大家大部分网站站长盆友都有一定的掌握,这在其中包含:
Strengthening the basic principles of the search engine we saw in the "guide", in addition to constantly stressed the need to continue cooperating to crack down on "black hat seo", but also emphasized the seo several needs to pay attention to the problem. Many problems, and we most webmaster friends all understood, including:

Choose the server stable space business, facilitate the spider to grab information;

(2)提议应用文字,而不是照片、flash 或是 javascript 等来显示信息关键內容;
Suggest to use text, but not the picture, the flash or javascript, etc to display important content;

The structure of the website will have administrative levels feeling, the best is typical of the tree structure;

(4)不必有 2 个不一样连接偏向同一个內容,那样会被觉得是反复的內容;
Don't have two different links to the same content, it will be considered repeated content;

Not related to the content with different display pages, from every page, link to a page from another, come over, form good internal links structure;

Try not to do ZhengZhan content and the domain name all update, it will be considered a new sites, and lose the original all links;

(7)title 和叙述等要尽可能不必做关键字沉积,要有易读性;
Sure that your title and description should as far as possible don't do keywords accumulation, want to have readability;

(8)尽可能把百度搜索引擎当做客户,从客户体验去做 seo 更能获得百度搜索引擎“欢心” 。
As far as possible the search engine as users from user experience to do more to win the search engine seo "heart".

4、立即否认网站站长们的好多个错误认识 这一份《指南》在不一样一部分立即强调了好多个网站站长的错误观念,印像较为深的是以下 2 个普遍错误观念。
Several of the direct negative adsense wrong views the "guide" in different part pointed out several webmaster directly error, a deep impression is the following two common misunderstandings.

错误观念一:干了百度搜索推广的付费网站,和沒有付钱的 seo 网站,是否有不一样看待? 以前许多 seo 从业人员的叫法是,如果你交费给百度了,那麼你没有做推广的关键字,在 当然检索一部分会让你太差的排列, 那样百度搜索便会迫使你持续做大量词的营销推广, 进而做到更大 的盈利,也有一种叫法是,百度搜索收你的钱了,那麼为了更好地确保你更强实际效果,除开在百度搜索推广位 置让你部位外,在关键字排名部位也让你更强的排列,那样就迫使大量沒有做推广的 seo 网站 只有找百度搜索付钱,才可以得到大量的认知度。由于许多网站的实践经验了这种叫法。可是百度搜索 立即确立说明:百度搜索的商业服务营销推广和当然检索是两个单独经营的系统软件,报名参加商业服务营销推广的网站, 在关键字排名是一视同仁,沒有做一切独特解决。
Error a: do the promotion of paying for baidu website, and not paying for seo site, isn't there a different treat? Many seo practitioner before the statement is, as long as you pay money to baidu, so you do not have the promotion of keywords, and in the natural search section will give you very poor sorting, such baidu forces you to constantly do more the promotion of words, so as to achieve greater profit, and one is that, baidu charge you for the money, so in order to guarantee you a better effect, except in baidu promotion place to your place outside, in natural ranking position and give you a better sorting, so he persecuted more didn't do the site can only promote seo find baidu pay, to get more attention. Because a lot of the site's practice has proved these claims. But baidu directly to clearly: baidu's business development and natural search is two independent operation system, participate in business promotion site, in natural ranking is equally, without any special treatment.

错误观念二:URL 静态数据化是否有益于检索? 许多网站站长都了解,要得到百度搜索引擎更强排行,就务必要搞好静态数据化的工作中,确实做不来静态数据化,就制成伪静态化还可以。百度搜索强调,针对动态性静态数据沒有一切危害,沒有岐视统一化 的 url 的状况。那为何许多网站站长发觉,网站制成静态数据化后,确实有益于网页搜索呢?百度搜索 强调统一化造成的很多主要参数、內容同样或是不断循环,造成 搜索引擎蜘蛛进入了一个超级黑洞,可是如今 百度搜索早已能非常好处理这个问题, 来看大伙儿如今没有必要担忧是静态数据還是动态性了, 只必须降低 动态性 url 中的自变量主要参数就可以。
Myth: static URL is helpful for search? Many webmaster all know, to get better search engine rankings, will have to do the work of static, really can't do static, are made into pseudo static can also. Baidu points out, for dynamic static didn't have any effect, no discrimination dynamic urls. Why many webmaster found that site to make static, certainly helps to baidu search? Baidu points out that a large number of parameters, produce dynamic content is the same or infinite circulation, lead to a spider entered a black hole, but now baidu can already very good solve this problem, it seems that we now need not worry is static or dynamic, only need to reduce the variable parameter dynamic urls can.

5、从网络运营视角来谈优化 这一份《指南》中独立有一个篇数是谈网络运营的,这是我沒有预见到的,一般来说,百度搜索引擎把客户吸引住到网站上,它的每日任务就结束了,对于怎样经营那就是网站站长们的事儿了。可是百 度很承担,一定要对你的实际效果承担究竟,嘿嘿。百度搜索明确提出一定要关心你的转换率,这一最能意味着你的网址的实际效果了。自然,要根据流量统计专用工具,从跳失率、撤出率和客户等待时间这 三个重要指标值,来剖析客户来到你的网站后的个人行为,进而发现问题,持续改进网址构造和内 容。最厉害的是,还从网址信任感及其网址的知名品牌视角,来论述了网站站长小伙伴们一定要尽可能将 百度搜索引擎客户,变化为忠诚客户。实际上,如果你的网址知名品牌充足的情况下,很多人要不根据百度搜索 立即检索你的网站姓名寻找网址, 大量的人则立即在地址栏键入网址的网站域名, 进而立即抵达 网址,假如大家都立即从地址栏抵达了网址,之后也有人要用百度搜索么?百度搜索正确引导大伙儿提高网 站知名品牌,简直自掘坟墓么? 很有可能我生性多疑了,我忘了,它是一份对于网站站长的《指南》 ,搜百度立在网站站长盆友的视角 来独立思考的。
From the website operation Angle to talk about optimizing the "guide" alone have a space in it is to talk about website operation, this is I don't foresee, generally speaking, search engine to attract users to the site, its task is over, as to how to run it is the webmaster of things. But the degree very responsible, for you must be responsible for what the effect, ha ha. Baidu puts forward must pay attention to your conversion rate, the best represents your website the effect. Of course, want to through the flow analysis tools, from jump out rate, exit rate and the user the residence time of three key index, to analyze the user to your site's behavior, which found that problems, and constantly improve the structure of the website and let in. The most serious is, also from web sites and web site brand Angle credibility, to elaborate the webmaster friends must as far as possible will search engine users, change is loyal users. In fact, when you website brand enough, a lot of people either directly by baidu search your site name is find, more people is directly in the address bar to enter the website domain name, and direct to the website, if you are directly from the address bar to arrived at the site, later, some would use baidu? Baidu guides everybody ascension nets stand brand, not cutting their own roots? I may be overrated, I forget, this is according to a head of the "guide", baidu is standing in the point of view of the webmaster friends to think of the problem.
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